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Coughing in children? Here's how to solve it

Coughs and colds are common problems affecting children. Coughs and colds are usually caused by viruses or bacteria that infect the nose and throat. Coughs and colds caused by viral infections can go away on their own within a few days, so antibiotic treatment is not necessary. Coughs and colds that need to be treated with antibiotics are due to bacterial infections. Even though they are not dangerous, coughs and colds can interfere with children's activities and rest.

Children who are usually cheerful may also appear lethargic and uninspired. If so, as a parent you will definitely feel sad and hope that your child will be healthy again. So that coughs and colds do not interfere with your child's activities and reduce their activities, there are several simple steps that mothers can take to relieve them without the need for medication.

Treating Coughs and Colds at Home

If your child has a cold and cough, it is advisable to consult a doctor first, especially if your child is under 2 years old. Even so, Mothers can still help relieve their complaints with the following simple efforts:

1. Make sure your child gets enough sleep

During a cold, your child's body needs more energy to fight the virus or bacteria that causes the infection. So make sure your child gets enough sleep and rest. Make his bedroom comfortable so he can sleep better. Apart from restoring energy, your child's body also needs sleep to recover.

2. Lie down with your head straight

When you have a cold, your child may have a blocked nose, making it difficult to breathe, and may become fussy due to difficulty sleeping. To make it easier for your little one to breathe, keep his head elevated when he sleeps. Use extra pillows to support your little one's head and shoulders.

3. Drink lots of water

If your child is over 6 months old, give him more water to drink. Water helps thin phlegm in the respiratory tract, making it easier to expel. Apart from that, by drinking enough water, your child will avoid dehydration which can trigger various other health problems.

You can also give him a hot drink, such as tea, to distract him. Apart from relieving colds and coughs, hot drinks can also relieve sore throats.

If your baby is still breastfeeding, continue breastfeeding. Breast milk can help babies recover from flu more quickly.

4. Give honey

Since ancient times, people have believed that honey can relieve coughs and sore throats. In fact, many people find these sugary drinks more effective than over-the-counter cough medicines. However, honey should only be given to children over 1 year old.

To relieve cold and cough, give your child half a teaspoon of honey before bed. To make it easier for your child to eat, you can mix 2 teaspoons of honey with lemon juice or warm tea.

5. Apply special children's balm

Another way to relieve coughs and colds in children is to apply lip balm to their chest, neck and back. However, make sure the balm you use is formulated for babies or children. Baby balms often contain menthol, eucalyptus, chamomile, and camphor. These natural ingredients are considered safe and effective in relieving coughs and colds in children.

Even though the simple steps above can relieve coughs and colds, you still need to be alert and consult a doctor, especially if your child is under 3 months old.

You also need immediate medical attention if your child's cough does not improve after 10 days, is accompanied by a high fever (above 38 degrees Celsius), shortness of breath, yellow or green phlegm and mucus, or if your child does not want to eat. and breastfeeding.

If we don't want our little ones to get recurring colds, then teach them to live cleanly, wash their hands diligently with soap and running water, and cover their nose or mouth when they sneeze/cough. This behavior can stop the transmission of children's coughs and colds.
