Is it true that a toothache is better than heartache because of a breakup?

Is it true that a toothache is better than heartache because of a breakup?

In the decade of the 90s, this song from the late Meggy Z was once popular with the title "Toothache", Some of the lyrics are as follows:

"Rather than heartache, It's better to have this toothache. So, it's okay, willing, willing, willing, I'm willing, willing, willing, I'm willing...." (source:

If there is a question of which pain is better, toothache or heartache due to a breakup, it is better not to have both because both toothache and heartache due to a breakup feel pain. Heartache because of a breakup is our feeling or mental pain, while toothache is our physical pain; each one cannot be compared and has a different way of healing.

The discussion this time will be more about toothache and how to cure and prevent it.

A toothache is when a tooth feels sore or painful, with varying degrees of severity. Usually, it is caused by various problems with the gums and teeth. In addition, these symptoms can also indicate disease in other parts of the body. For example, problems with the jaw joint, an earache, a sinus infection, or heart disease.

Causes of Toothache

Damage to the teeth is the main cause of toothache. Bacteria that live in the mouth can multiply because of the sugar or juice in the food you eat. These bacteria then form a sticky plaque that sticks to the tooth surface. The acids that build up in plaque can erode the hard white coating on the outside of the teeth, known as enamel, causing cavities to form.

Toothache can be caused by the following conditions:

1. Tooth abscess

Infection of the teeth caused by bacteria that causes pus-filled lumps around the teeth.

2. Broken or Cracked Teeth

Broken teeth can cause pain when chewing or eating.

3. After Dental Treatment

After carrying out dental treatment, such as fillings, tooth extractions, or placing crowns, teeth can become painful or uncomfortable.

4. Habit Bruxism: Teeth Grinding

Bad habits that you sometimes do without realizing it can also cause pain.

5. Diseases of the Gums

Toothache can appear when the gums experience health problems, such as infection of the gums.

6: Exposure of the Root Surface of the Tooth

This condition can result when the bones and gums that protect the roots don't close properly.

7. Sinusitis

Sinusitis that you don't handle properly can actually trigger toothaches.


actors that Increase the Risk of Toothache

Some factors that can increase the likelihood of getting a toothache are:

Often, we consume foods that contain lots of sugar.
1. Does not maintain good dental hygiene and rarely flosses or brushes teeth
2. Dry mouth
3. Smoking habit.
4. Have eating problems such as anorexia or bulimia.
5. Using certain drugs

Toothache Symptoms

The jaw area adjacent to the infected tooth can experience pain in the teeth. This pain can be felt and feels soft to the touch. Besides pain, other symptoms may include:

1. Dizzy,
2. Fever
3. Bad odor from an infected tooth
4. swelling around the infected tooth

The pain in the tooth is usually worse at night or when lying down. Apart from that, pain can also get worse when you eat and drink anything, especially food or drinks that are hot, cold, too sweet, or too sour.

Treatment or first aid for toothache at home

You can do the following things to relieve toothache as first aid:

1. Gargle with salt water.

To gargle, mix half a teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water.

2. Brushing Teeth or Flossing

Sometimes brushing alone is not enough to clean between the teeth. To prevent the spread of the bacteria that cause this condition, clean your teeth with dental floss as well.

3. Apply antiseptic medicine.

Apply an antiseptic drug with benzocaine to the aching tooth to relieve pain.

4. Taking pain relievers

OTC pain relievers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can help relieve toothaches.

5. Cold Compress

To reduce pain by compressing the painful area with ice cubes wrapped in a cloth.

Immediately consult a dentist if your toothache does not go away for more than one or two days, if you have a fever, or if you show signs of infection such as swelling, red gums, and foul-smelling discharge.


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