Is it true that white injections can damage the kidneys

Is it true that white injections can damage the kidneys

Is it true that white injections can damage the kidneys?

Whitening injections are a treatment that is often done by women to get instantly bright skin. The price of the white injection itself also varies, even starting from hundreds of thousands of Rupiah and you can get a safe injection.

In the medical world, there are actually no whitening injections, experts usually recommend brightening injections. So actually, the active substance injected is not for whitening, but for brightening.

White injections that can cause harm to the body are fake injections. There are 2 dangers that can be caused by fake white injections, namely short term and long term. In the short term, it can be an allergic reaction, either mild or severe, whereas, in the long term, the dangers of fake white injections are damage to the digestive organs, damage to the liver, kidneys, and even death.

In the whitening injection, there are several substances such as tranexamic acid (or transamine), glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

Apart from whitening the skin, the whitening injection procedure can also treat aging skin problems and remove scars. Whitening injection products sold on the market can be injected into blood vessels, muscles, or under the skin.

However, not all products have permission from the FDA or BPOM. Finally, many women are trapped and buy uncertified (unsafe) products on the market. The bad impact is that health organs are affected.

Everything that enters the body will be metabolized and thrown away if not used. Organs that function to do this include the liver and kidneys. So, if poison enters the body, the organ will work hard to get rid of it.

If you carelessly inject a foreign object into the body, it will certainly have the potential to damage one of these organs. It is not recommended to do whitening injections yourself at home. If you still want to do it, get treatment at a beauty clinic that has a practice permit.

To get bright and glowing skin safely, it's actually quite easy, eat more vegetables and fruit that contain fiber and antioxidants. Apart from that, using skincare that suits your skin type is also important to support healthy skin. Don't forget to always use moisturizer after washing your face.

Moisturizer can provide and lock moisture into the skin, and maintain skin youthfulness. Living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding cigarette smoke is also important for those who want healthy, beautiful and glowing skin.

Side Effects of White Injection

Vitamin C is a nutrient that the body needs because it has many benefits, from improving the immune system, preventing cell damage, to forming collagen. However, the body cannot produce it, so it needs to be obtained by consuming food.

Meanwhile, glutathione actually exists naturally in the body, but its production can decrease with age. Glutathione has antioxidant and antiaging properties which are known to work by inhibiting hyperpigmentation in the skin due to sun exposure.

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