kehamilansehat, ibu dan anak, hamilsehat, kebidanan dan kandungan



Pregnancy is one of the conditions used to describe the period during which a fetus develops in the uterus. Usually, the pregnancy process lasts for 40 weeks or more than nine months. This time is calculated from the last menstrual period.

During pregnancy, mothers not only experience physical changes, but also emotional conditions. Perhaps, one of the most pronounced changes is a body that is always tired easily even though it doesn't do much activity.

Hormonal changes that occur when a mother is pregnant are the main cause of the body feeling weak and tired easily. As the gestational age increases, the levels of progesterone in the mother's body also increase. High levels of this hormone make mothers tired and feel sleepy.

The fatigue that appears in pregnant women is not always the same. There are those who feel so tired, but there are also those who do not feel it. Generally, feeling tired when you are pregnant will gradually decrease between 12 and 14 weeks of gestation. After that, you will feel fit again and more energetic.

The more you age, the less the quality and quantity of egg cells, the performance of the uterus, and the higher the birth defects. Age greatly affects the mental and physical for pregnant women.

Mental and Physical Differences of Different Ages:

  1. Pregnancy at the age of 20+
  • Productive physique
  • Good egg quantity and quality
  • It takes mental readiness and environmental support to become a mother
  1. Pregnancy at the age of 30+
  • Relatively stable mentally and financially
  • The condition of the expectant mother's egg cells begins to decline (66% -75% can get pregnant naturally within 1 year)
  • If pregnancy occurs, special attention should be paid to intake of vitamins and minerals such as omega 3 and folic acid
  1. Pregnancy at the age of 40+
  • Decreased quantity and quality of egg cells (44% can get pregnant naturally within 1 year)
  • The growing fetus is generally more vulnerable (more attention is required during pregnancy)
  • Have a higher risk of abnormalities in fetal chromosomes and miscarriage around 30% - 53.6%
  • Worry about the health condition of the womb and opinions from the surrounding environment can affect the mental state of the expectant mother

What mothers should do during pregnancy are:

a) Maintain mental health conditions

b) Consuming nutritious food coupled with additional nutritional intake such as omega 3, folic

     acid, iron, and others

c) Exercise regularly

d) Carry out routine checks to the doctor

So preparing before pregnancy is very important, because age greatly affects the mother during pregnancy, a pregnancy that is ready physically and mentally will affect the parenting that will be used by mothers and husbands.
