Breast Lump, is it Definitely Cancer?

Breast Lump, is it Definitely Cancer?

Lumps in the breast often make us feel anxious and worried that they could be a sign of breast cancer. However, lumps in the breast are not always cancerous. Many lumps are benign and harmless. Nonetheless, it is important to always pay attention to changes in the breast and if you experience any signs immediately consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis.


What is a Breast Lump?

A breast lump is a palpable protruding or dense tissue within the breast. Breast lumps vary in shape, size or characteristics depending on the cause. Most breast lumps are benign and not associated with cancer. However, some lumps are malignant (cancerous).


Causes of Breast Lumps

  1. Fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma is a benign breast tumor made up of fibrous and glandular tissue. It is most common in young women. It usually feels mobile to the touch, and does not cause pain.

  1. Breast Cyst

A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms within the breast. They are usually benign and may enlarge or shrink with the menstrual cycle.

  1. Hormonal Changes

When women are menstruating or pregnant, it can cause temporary breast lumps. These lumps often go away on their own once the hormone cycle is over.

  1. Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer occurs when breast cells grow uncontrollably and a hard lump forms. Lumps caused by cancer are usually painless and can feel hard or immobile.


How to Distinguish a Dangerous Lump from a Harmless One?

Differentiating between benign and dangerous lumps is not easy without a medical examination. However, there are some characteristics that can help you recognize the difference:

  • Harmless lumps such as Fibroadenoma or cysts tend to have the characteristics of not being hard, moving, and painless lumps.
  • While dangerous lumps have the characteristics of hard lumps, irregular edges, and do not move. Breast cancer can also cause changes in the breast skin such as thickening of the skin or skin that looks like orange peel.


The importance of consulting a doctor

If you find a lump in your breast, the first step is not to panic. Lumps in the breast do not always mean cancer. Sahabat Hermina steps that can be taken:

  1. Further Check: If a lump is palpated, the size, texture, and pain of the lump.
  2. Consult a doctor if the lump persists for more than a few weeks, grows, or is accompanied by other symptoms such as changes in breast shape or nipple discharge.
  3. Don't delay the examination, even if the breast lump is harmless, it is important to have a further examination to confirm the cause.


So don't neglect your breast health. Schedule a consultation with an oncology consultant surgeon at RS Hermina Bogor for proper treatment.



  1. National Cancer Institute. (2020). Breast Cancer-Symptoms and Causes. Accessed
  2. Suri R. S. & Raghavendra. (2017). Fibroadenoma of the Breast: A Literature Review. Journal of Clinical Imaging Sciences, 7,8.
  3. World Health Organization (WHO). 2018. Cancer: Breast Cancer. Accessed
  4. Herawati, Rijal, et al. 2021. Characteristics of Breast Cancer. Accessed %2Findex.php%2Ffmj%2Farticle%2Fdownload%2F76%2F72%2F&usg=AOvVaw0hvwk-1Sm7ZoYNmsU-1SWh&opi=89978449
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