
Clean your ears properly to avoid fungal bacterial infections.

Friends of Hermina Bitung should also know that usually what causes fungus to grow in the ears is caused by bacterial infections. To prevent fungal infections in the ears, Hermina's friends must always clean their ears properly.


What are the symptoms often experienced by fungus in the ear?

1. Itchy ears

2. Feeling uncomfortable

3. Ear pain

4. Smelly fluid comes out of the ear


How to prevent fungus from growing in the ears?

Friends of Hermina Bitung should know how to prevent fungus from growing in the ears, namely:

• Avoid scratching your ears, both outside and inside.

• Dry your ears after showering or swimming.

• Avoid using cotton buds or ear cleaning tools to clean the ear canal yourself.

• Use earplugs or a head covering when swimming, so that water cannot enter your ears.


How to Clean Your Ears the Right Way?


Use of ear drops

Using ear drops that are sold freely in pharmacies or drug stores can be one way to clean earwax. This medicine can soften lumps, so that feces are easily removed.


Using ear wax softener


For 2–3 days after using an earwax softener, tilt your head and drip warm water into the affected ear canal, then tilt your head to the other side to remove the earwax. Drain the water from the ear canal, then dry it gently with a towel


Get regular ear checks from an ENT doctor

The best way to get rid of wax in your ears is actually to visit an ENT doctor to get a professional ear cleaning.


In general, having your ears checked by an ENT doctor regularly at least once a month or according to the doctor's instructions can reduce ear wax which causes fungal infections.

Consult Hermina Bitung Hospital with ENT-KL Specialist Dr. Dimas Adi Patria, SpTHT-BKL if you experience a fungal bacterial infection

