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Is Gastric Rinse Safe for Health?

Gastric lavage is the procedure of emptying the stomach to remove toxic substances from the digestive system, gastric lavage is performed quickly and in an emergency. Gastric lavage is a common way to treat poisoning or drug overdose in areas with limited healthcare facilities.


The gastric lavage procedure may help remove toxins along with the stomach contents in the patient. However, how much of the toxins are removed from the patient's body cannot be determined. Gastric lavage also carries a risk of complications for patients who have airway problems in particular. This is because gastric lavage uses a gastric tube that is inserted through the nose into the stomach organ.


What conditions require gastric lavage

Gastric lavage is performed if the patient has ingested a large amount of poison or as a first aid measure for life-threatening poisoning cases. However, gastric lavage is rarely used in medicine nowadays.


Gastric lavage is usually done when poisoning occurs in less than 60 minutes. This is the average time it takes for the body to empty the stomach. If it is more than 60 minutes, it is likely that the poison has been absorbed and entered the body.


However, gastric lavage is not recommended for poisoning situations with corrosive substances or hydrocarbons. Corrosive substances are commonly found in various types of cleaning solutions, batteries, furniture cleaners, and other products. On the other hand, hydrocarbons are often found in gasoline, oil lamps, kerosene, and paint thinner.


In addition to poisoning with toxic substances, gastric lavage may also be performed if the patient has the following conditions:

  • Fatal poisoning that causes unconsciousness.
  • Overdose of anticholinergic drugs within 4 hours.
  • Iron or lithium mineral poisoning.
  • Reducing pressure in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Reduces pressure on the stomach when a ventilator or breathing apparatus is installed.


In addition, gastric lavage may be performed in patients with cases of gastrointestinal bleeding.


Gastric lavage procedure

Before the procedure begins, the doctor will give an anesthetic to numb the patient's throat. This aims to reduce the risk of choking and reduce the possibility of throat irritation during the procedure. After that, the doctor will insert a tube through the mouth or nose through the esophagus until it reaches the stomach.


This step is carried out until the rinse liquid that comes out looks clear. The medical team will then proceed to insert activated charcoal into the patient's stomach. Activated charcoal will absorb the remaining toxins into the stomach.


Therefore, if hermina friends or people around experience poisoning, immediately call the emergency number or visit the nearest hospital to get the right treatment and provide the right help according to your condition.
