
Bolehkah Penyandang Diabetes Melakukan Puasa Ramadan?

Ramadan fasting is a religious obligation for healthy and capable Muslims. However, for people with diabetes, the question of whether they can fast or not is often a matter of debate. Diabetes is a condition that affects the body's ability to properly regulate blood sugar levels, and fasting can pose additional health risks for people with diabetes. However, various aspects need to be considered in determining whether someone with diabetes can fast during Ramadan safely.

If blood sugar levels are within normal limits and there are no certain complications, the doctor will allow type 2 diabetes sufferers to fast. However, fasting for diabetics considers that fasting remains safe and does not cause complications.

Things that need to be considered for fasting for diabetes sufferers:
1. Health Condition
Every case of diabetes is different. It is important for people with diabetes to consult their doctor to assess whether they are in a condition that allows them to fast. The doctor will evaluate medical history, diabetes complications, and other factors that may affect a person's ability to fast safely.

2. Types of Diabetes
Diabetes can be divided into 2 types, namely type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Handling and managing Ramadan fasting can be different depending on the type of diabetes a person experiences. People with type 1 diabetes usually need insulin to control their blood sugar levels, while people with type 2 diabetes may need diet management and medication.

3. Medication Management
For those who use medication to control diabetes levels, it is necessary to consider whether the use of the medication will affect the ability to fast. Some medications may require adjustments to the dose or time of taking to fit your fasting pattern.
4. Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels
Monitoring blood sugar levels regularly during the fasting month is very important. People with diabetes must ensure that their blood sugar levels are within a safe range to prevent the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels) or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels).

5. Eating Patterns and Meal Times
Planning the right diet and meal times is very important for people with diabetes who want to fast. When breaking the fast and sahur, food choices must be balanced and pay attention to the glycemic index so as not to cause a drastic spike in blood sugar.

Fasting during Ramadan for people with diabetes can be a complex challenge. The decision to fast should be based on careful medical considerations and close monitoring of health conditions. Although Islam makes exceptions for those who are sick or unable to fast, many people with diabetes want to participate in this fasting ritual. Therefore, it is important to consult a Doctor before making the decision to fast.

Consult a doctor who specializes in internal medicine, endocrine-metabolic-diabetes consultant if Hermina friends experience health problems related to diabetes at Hermina Hospital, Bekasi.

Download Halo Hermina  to make an appointment with specialist doctors at Hermina Bekasi Hospital
