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Brain Fog

Have you ever suddenly forgotten what you wanted to say when you were
talk about something with someone else? The momentary forgetting condition
This so-called brain fog doesn't just happen when you want to talk, but also
when you suddenly can't remember what to do.
When you suddenly can't remember what to say or
done, that's called brain fog. Brain fog is not a
a medical condition, but symptoms of another disease that can trigger it.
By understanding what causes brain fog, you can get
proper handling.
List of Causes of Brain Fog
When experiencing brain fog, a person can experience impaired function
cognitive skills, such as difficulty thinking clearly, poor concentration, inability
to focus, and easy to forget.
These complaints tend to appear occasionally, and people who experience them can
back to normal thinking as usual after some time.
However, in certain cases, brain fog appears more often until
interfere with the activities and lives of sufferers.
There are various causes of brain fog that you need to know, including:
1. Lack of rest
Lack of sleep, often staying up late, or poor sleep quality can
impact on brain function. As a result, lack of sleep or sleep problems
others can worsen your concentration and make it difficult for you to
think. Research has also shown that people who often lack sleep or
Sleeping less soundly is more prone to brain fog.
So that the brain can work optimally, make sure you get sleep
sufficient and quality every day. If you are a person who
have trouble sleeping or have insomnia, try to apply sleep
hygiene, stay away from gadgets, and avoid consuming caffeinated drinks
before bed.2. Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes, such as when a woman goes through menopause, can also
trigger brain fog. During menopause, hormone levels
Progesterone and estrogen in a woman's body will experience changes.
This can affect memory and brain function for a while,
so that women who experience it can be forgetful or more
susceptible to brain fog.
3. Stress and depression
It's normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed out once in a while and
normal in everyday life. However, if you feel restless, sad,
or despair for weeks or even months,
You are most likely experiencing chronic stress.
You need to know that chronic stress can increase the risk of occurrence
various health problems, ranging from high blood pressure, endurance
weakened body, to certain mental disorders, such as depression, and
decreased brain function.
Impaired brain function due to stress can cause difficult complaints
think clearly, forget easily, and find it difficult to concentrate. This is the reason
why severe stress can cause brain fog.
4. Lack of certain intakes
An unhealthy diet can cause your body to lack
certain nutrients. This can increase your risk of having a brain
Research shows that people who are deficient in certain nutrients,
such as protein, iron, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, antioxidants, and
omega-3, a higher risk for dementia and brain fog. Besides
In addition, allergic reactions to certain types of food are also called venom
increase a person's risk of developing brain fog.
5. Drug side effects
Each drug certainly has its own side effects. Several types of drugs-
medications, such as anticholinergic drugs, sedatives, antidepressants, and drugs
sleep, is known to affect the performance of the brain's nerves and chemicals in the brain
(neurotransmitter). This effect can trigger the emergence of brain fog and other complaints, such as easy
drowsiness and mood changes. Other drugs, such as chemotherapy,
also often causes brain fog.
If you feel brain fog after taking certain drugs,
consult a doctor, so you can switch to other types of drugs
or get a lower dose to prevent recurrence
these symptoms.
6. Certain medical conditions
There are many medical conditions or diseases that can cause brain symptoms
fog, such as autoimmune diseases, aging, fatigue, and mental disorders.
In addition, other diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, anemia, dementia,
and infection with the Corona virus or COVID-19, can also be the cause
brain fog, you know.
Here's How to Overcome Brain Fog
Treatment for brain fog really depends on what the cause is. When it's foggy
the brain that you experience is caused by certain medical conditions, such as anemia,
treatment for anemia with iron supplementation can be
the solution.
In addition, there are several ways you can do at home to
overcome brain fog, namely:
 Try to get enough sleep 7–9 hours per day.
 Manage stress well.
 Limit or stay away from caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.
 Stay active with regular exercise.
 Maintain brain function and health by doing brain exercise
