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Breast Lift

Breast shape during pregnancy and breastfeeding looks beautiful. However, after that period the breasts often become saggy and appear less plump.

Breastfeeding after breast lift is a different experience than breastfeeding without breast surgery, but it is likely to happen. Depending on the type of breast surgery, it is usually still possible to breastfeed after the procedure. However, different types of breast surgery have different effects on the breast and the lactation process.

Although most women can breastfeed after breast augmentation, it may be a little more difficult to breastfeed immediately after the breast lift. If you are planning to breastfeed after the breast lift, notify your plastic surgeon before undergoing the procedure as the surgery may be slightly altered in an effort to better preserve the lactation system.

WHAT IS A BREAST LIFT / breast lift?
A breast lift is a surgical method used by plastic surgeons to lift and change the position of the breast without removing tissue, as in breast reduction. The end result is firmer, taller and rounder breasts. Often an implant is placed, also known as augmentation with breast lift.

During a breast lift, the plastic surgeon will use one of two incision techniques. One method, known as periareolar, is performed around the nipple. The other method is known as inverted-T (inverted T or vertical scar). The method used usually depends on the current position of the nipple and the desired outcome of the individual patient. Each method aims to reposition the nipple, but without separating the nipple from the glandular tissue, which means that the nerves and functions of the lactation system remain intact. Since the lactation system remains in place, it is still possible to breastfeed after breast lift.
#The possibility of reduced breastfeeding function after breast lift is very likely. Although most women can breastfeed to some extent, some function may be lost due to the surgery itself. This can be seen with certainty when trying to breastfeed.

 #Nipple Sensation
Nipple sensation may take up to five years to recover after breast surgery, delaying the breastfeeding process is needed to ensure that the mammary glands fully recover. If you breastfeed before surgery, you will likely be able to breastfeed after the breast lift too, although milk production is slightly reduced. Consultation with a plastic surgeon before deciding on surgery is highly recommended to talk about your desire to breastfeed after breast surgery so that the plastic surgeon can consider and use the plastic surgery method that has the least effect on the lactation system.

 In cases where you have breast lift and enlargement surgery, breastfeeding may prove more difficult as each of the two operations can cause potential damage. The amount of time between when you have surgery and when you start breastfeeding can also have an impact on breastfeeding after breast lift. Fortunately, you can supplement your breast milk with other methods of breastfeeding, giving you many options to explore if you are not producing enough milk to fully breastfeed after the breast lift surgery.
#Change in appearance
Overall, pregnancy and breastfeeding will change the shape and appearance of your breasts. The breasts will enlarge during pregnancy and shrink after the breastfeeding is finished, leaving excess skin so that the breasts appear loose and empty. If you are considering breast tightening but are planning to breastfeed in the near future, you may want to consider waiting until the breastfeeding time is over. This also applies if you are planning to get pregnant several times, as the shape of your breasts tends to change more drastically in subsequent pregnancies.

If you have any questions about breastfeeding after breast removal, the best person to ask is a plastic surgeon who can help understand the procedures related to the appropriate breast surgery method you need.
