Not Just Dieting, Check Body Composition for Successful Weight Loss

Not Just Dieting, Check Body Composition for Successful Weight Loss

Nowadays, the dream of having a body goal does not only happen to women, but is also dreamed of by men, both teenagers and adults. Often the way to achieve body goals is through the wrong diet, such as being willing to endure hunger for hours and even consuming diet supplements.

To get an ideal weight and a proportional body, Friends of Hermina need   to know body composition so that no bad side effects occur in the long term. Losing weight in the right way will make the body healthier. Weight loss based solely on the number on the scale can be misleading, because the scale cannot differentiate between weight from body fat and weight from muscle. By conducting a body composition analysis when carrying out a weight loss program, you can see important changes in body composition that ordinary scales cannot. Our body is made up of five different things which are as follows:

1.  Water

Nearly 60% of our body consists of water. Total water in the body is divided into two, namely Extracellular Water (ECW) or the water content outside the cells and Intracellular Water (ICW) or the water content inside the body's cells. Water is the main ingredient for body cells which helps regulate the body's internal temperature, strengthens muscles, etc. Water levels in the body will naturally fluctuate during the day and night. Eating large portions, drinking alcohol, menstruation, illness, exercise can affect a person's hydration level.

2.  Bones

Bone density has its own weight. However, the development of the weight as well as the density will

stops at age 30 and after that the weight and bone density will decrease slowly. Exercise and increasing muscle mass are known to be associated with stronger and healthier bones. Although bone structure is unlikely to change in a short time, it is important to maintain bone health with a balanced diet and lots of exercise.

3.  Body Organs

Body organs such as the brain, intestines, lungs, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and bile should have a fixed weight as a sign of healthy body condition. So if you want to get a body

proportionally, the weight of the organs of the body is not an appropriate target for reduction.

4.  Muscles

Muscles function as a determinant of the body's functional strength. Higher muscle mass will increase the metabolic rate and can prevent disease and falls. A person who has a higher amount of muscle mass will burn more calories at rest compared to someone with a lower muscle mass. Therefore, muscle mass is recommended to be maintained and needs to be done to increase. As we age, we lose muscle mass and are more prone to falls, so the decline in muscle mass is best prevented or slowed by increasing physical activity.

5.  Fat

There are two types of body fat, namely subcutaneous fat (the layer of fat under the skin) and visceral fat (fat that surrounds and protects the abdominal organs). Fat functions as body protection, a source of energy reserves, carries fat-soluble vitamins, makes certain hormones, and functions as a building material for cell membranes. A high body fat percentage is a risk factor for chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. If you want to get a proportional body shape, you must reduce your body fat percentage.

In undergoing a diet program to achieve the body goals that need to be reduced is to reduce fat mass, not total body weight in order to get a healthy and proportional body.

How To Assess Body Composition?

The way to assess body composition is by using a tool called Bioelectrical

Impedance Analysis (BIA) which works using electrodes. The electrode signal will propagate in the body. Inspection using this tool is a simple and easy inspection. Hermina's friends only need to stand on a scale that already has an electrode and the results will be known immediately.

BIA not only assesses body fat content but can also analyze needs

basic metabolism of the body. The body composition value obtained can determine the amount of energy and amount of food that can be consumed in one day.


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