'Pregnant Women' Recognize the Methods and Advantages of ERACS Childbirth

'Pregnant Women' Recognize the Methods and Advantages of ERACS Childbirth

What are the advantages of the ERACS method?

As quoted from one of the national online media outlets, obstetrics and gynecology specialist Dr. Zeissa Rectifa Wismayanti, SpOG, said there are at least three advantages to the ERACS method in labor. Specifically, increasing patient satisfaction and comfort, reducing the risk of complications and the duration of patient care, and increasing bonding between mother and baby

In addition, mothers can also go home in a shorter span of time. The caesarean section approach with the ERACS protocol has also been shown to have various other advantages, namely:

shorter fasting time
Unlike caesarean sections in general, fasting time with the ERACS approach is shorter. This is because mothers only need to stop eating six hours before surgery and stop drinking two hours before surgery.

Prevent Nausea
After an ordinary caesarean section, many mothers often feel nauseous due to the side effects of the anesthetic given. Well, the ERACS approach applies intravenous fluid therapy and a combination of anti-nausea drugs.

Both are proven to relieve postoperative nausea. In addition, the mother will also be given instructions on food and drink that should be consumed to prevent nausea.

Can return to moving faster
The delivery process using the ERACS approach can make the mother free to move faster. This is because the administration of intravenous fluids and removal of the urinary catheter will be carried out earlier in the ERACS approach when compared to an ordinary caesarean section.

Comfortable Operation and Minimal Pain
In the ERACS approach, the team of doctors will provide pain relievers such as Tylenol and scheduled ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In addition, the doctor may also give a small dose of long-acting pain medication to the patient's spine or epidural while in the operating room. The goal is to maximize pain relief while reducing side effects such as itching and nausea.

Minimizing the Risk of Network Damage
The ERACS approach is performed with a small knife with a special sharpness. The blade can reach the fascia layer with a single incision, minimizing the risk of tissue damage.

So, that's an explanation of delivery by caesarean section through the ERACS approach. Besides being able to speed up the recovery process in the mother's body, the ERACS approach also has many other advantages. One of them is preventing the onset of nausea after a caesarean section.

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