
Mothers Must Know the Symptoms of Asthma in Children and Their Treatment.

Asthma is a disease that attacks the respiratory tract. As a chronic disease, this condition is characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the respiratory tract. There are many factors that can trigger this disease in children, ranging from family health history, viral infections, and environmental influences.

So, what are the early symptoms of asthma in children?

  • Nonstop Coughing

          It appears long-term and is often worse at night. Apart from that, this asthma symptom also often appears when your little one is doing activities, such as playing or exercising.

  • Hard to breathe

          Be aware of cough symptoms accompanied by shortness of breath. This could be an early sign of asthma. This condition also causes the child to be short of breath and experience chest pain.

  • Wheezing

          Wheezing, aka wheezing, can also appear as a symptom of asthma. People with this disease will generally make a "whimpering" sound when breathing or exhaling.

  • Tired Easily

          Children who have asthma also tend to get tired easily and look lethargic. His body will feel weak and reluctant to do activities with his friends. Apart from that, little ones who suffer from this disease also tend to have difficulty sleeping at night. This can arise due to difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.

Apart from that, insomnia can also be caused by coughing symptoms experienced by children with asthma. Until now, it is not known for certain what causes asthma in children. However, there are several factors that are thought to be the trigger, starting with genetic factors, congenital factors, premature birth, babies born with a weight below normal, cold air, fatigue, respiratory tract infections that occur repeatedly and are severe, and exposure to pollution. air. Asthma in children, especially babies, is a condition that should not be taken lightly. Mothers can provide first aid during an asthma attack in children as follows:

  1. Using a nebulizer
  2. Using a Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) and Spacer
  3. For babies and toddlers, use a mask of the correct size to cover the nose and mouth.
  4. Older children can use a mouthpiece.

In some conditions, asthma in children may show more severe symptoms. This condition can cause the child to have difficulty breathing or gasp for breath. This condition can also cause breathing to become very rapid and interfere with the child's ability to regulate breathing and speak. This condition causes the child to speak haltingly. If your child experiences the following symptoms, do not delay the examination; immediately consult a pediatrician so that the prevention and treatment of asthma can be detected early.
