How to Overcome Stubborn Body Odor

How to Overcome Stubborn Body Odor

Body odor can interfere with activities because, apart from causing an unpleasant odor, it also reduces self-confidence. In medical terms, body odor, also called bromhidrosis, is a chronic condition characterized by the excessive release of an unpleasant odor described as rancid, musty, and sour. This disorder generally occurs in the armpits but can also occur on the palms of the hands and feet.

Body odor can be influenced by many factors, such as excessive sweat and bacteria in the body. In some sufferers, it can also be caused by lumps in the armpit, the influence of food, obesity, blood sugar disease, and certain medications. Foods that are thought to affect body odor Genetic influences can also influence a person's body odor. This unpleasant body odor is more often found in men after puberty because of the possibility of more physical activity in men.

Complaints about body odor can generally be confirmed through a complaint history and examination by a doctor. There are no special laboratory tests needed to determine a disturbance in body odor except in cases where there is an underlying disease factor. However, on microscopic examination by taking samples of skin tissue, an increase in the number and size of sweat glands can be found.

Sufferers with body odor disorders can undergo treatment by maintaining personal hygiene and sanitation, such as by doing the following things:

  1. Wash regularly, using soap at least twice a day.
  2. Frequently wash your armpits, palms, and soles of your feet and then dry them.
  3. Use deodorant and antiperspirant.
  4. Using perfume
  5. Change clothes that are wet with sweat.
  6. Removing underarm hair can reduce body odor because it prevents the accumulation of bacteria and sweat.
  7. Antiseptic soap can also be used to reduce complaints of body odor.
  8. Avoid foods that cause body odor, such as onions, spices, curry products, and alcoholic drinks.
  9. Do not take drugs that can cause body odor.
  10. Treating skin infections
  11. Modifying the lifestyle of sufferers with metabolic diseases can also reduce complaints.
  12. Use relaxation techniques such as yoga. Anxiety due to stress often triggers excessive sweating, so that body odor easily occurs.
  13. Eliminate body odor with natural ingredients.
  1. Decoction of betel leaves

Betel leaves have long been known to have good health benefits, one of which is that they can eliminate body odor by boiling several betel leaves in a few glasses of water. This boiled water is used for bathing.

  1. Baking soda and lemon

The ability of baking soda to absorb unpleasant odors and the ability of lemon juice to kill bacteria can reduce unpleasant underarm odors by mixing two spoons of baking soda with one spoon of lemon juice. Stir until it forms a paste, then rub it on the underarm skin with circular movements for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

  1. Combrang flower

Kecombrang flowers contain antioxidants and other substances that are beneficial for the body. These substances are certainly useful for eliminating unpleasant body odors. How to use kecombrang flowers by roughly crushing the kecombrang flowers and stems Then use the results of the collision as soap every time you shower.

  1. Basil leaves

Basil leaves contain essential oils, which are believed to eliminate body odor. Apart from that, basil can also function as an antiseptic. You can consume basil leaves as tea or fresh vegetables.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a source of antioxidants and antibacterials that can be used as a solution to treat underarm odor. To do this, apply aloe vera gel directly to the armpits and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse thoroughly.

Further treatment is needed if home treatment is deemed insufficient. Sufferers can consult a skin and venereal specialist at Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital, dr. Rizki Hapsari Nugraha, Sp.DV, M.Kes, to discuss this condition.


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