anak, anak muda, dewasa, orangtua, orang dewasa, ayah, ibu, bunda, gigi anak, gigi dewasa, gigi sensitif, nyeri gigi, sakit gigi, gigi spesialistik

How to Overcome Tooth Pain

Having sensitive teeth can be very annoying sometimes. The sharp pain and throbbing that comes with eating food can make you feel very uncomfortable.
In fact, the pain that arises can be felt hours after eating.

Sensitivity is caused by the very soft middle layer of the tooth (dentin) exposed to various things from the external environment. In fact, dentin should be protected by tooth enamel.

When the outermost layer of the tooth or tooth enamel is thinned,
Dentin will be exposed to air and temperature from the outside so that the tooth can feel sore easily.

Usually you will feel pain in your teeth when eating ice cream or just drinking other cold drinks.
Sometimes the sensation of pain also appears when eating or drinking hot. The pain can come and go, sometimes it can be unbearable.

You can reduce and treat sensitive teeth starting from changing daily habits.
Check out how to deal with also treat aching or sensitive teeth below.

1. Brush your teeth properly

Are you brushing your teeth the right way? For example, brushing teeth regularly,
ie twice a day, in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed.
 It's not enough to stop there, use the right brushing technique to clean all parts of your teeth and mouth.

Brush gently and carefully around the gum line so you don't remove the gum tissue.
Brushing your teeth hard can thin the enamel, which increases the sensitivity of your teeth.

Hold your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle.
Gently brush in a circular motion.

It is also recommended that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush to reduce the risk of toothache or sensitivity.

You can also use dental floss to reach food debris that is difficult to reach using a toothbrush.

2. Use Special Toothpaste

You can also use toothpaste for sensitive teeth that contains fluoride.
Toothpaste specially designed for sensitive teeth contains an active ingredient called potassium nitrate.

It helps to block the tiny tubules in the sensitive dentin.
Not only that, this toothpaste contains compounds that help block the spread of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerves.

It usually takes several uses before tooth sensitivity diminishes.
After a few uses, toothpaste can relieve the pain associated with sensitive teeth.

If you use it regularly, toothpaste is one of the most appropriate ways to treat long-term sore or sensitive teeth.

3. Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks

Acidic foods or drinks can erode the enamel, making your teeth more sensitive.
You should start limiting the consumption of acidic foods and drinks to reduce the risk of toothache or sensitivity.

Don't forget to brush your teeth 20 minutes later after eating acidic foods as a way of dealing with aching teeth.
If the interval is less than 20 minutes or you brush your teeth right away, it can actually hurt your enamel.

Do you have a habit of grinding your teeth while sleeping at night? Well, it turns out,
This habit can erode enamel and make teeth more sensitive.

4. Use protective gear.

Therefore, you can use dental protectors as a
how to deal with toothache is also sensitive due to the habit of grinding teeth.

Do it regularly, the pain in the teeth can be reduced. However,
keep checking your dental and oral health to the dentist at least once every 6 months, Friend Hermina Salatiga.
