sunscreen, dermatologist, dokterkulit, kesehatan kulit

How to use Sunscreen for Maximum Protection

As a country with a tropical climate, Indonesia only has 2 seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season. A tropical climate is a climate with high temperatures throughout the year. Indonesia is also crossed by the equator, which causes the sun to continue to shine throughout the year in our country.


One way to protect the skin from sunlight is by using it sunscreen or sunscreen. Usage sunscreen very important, not only used in outdoor, use inindoor is also necessary.


Here's how to use sunscreen for maximum protection:

1. Take your pick sunscreen which has a minimum of 30 SPF

SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is a standard for measuring the level of protection productsunscreen.

2. Usesunscreen which suits the skin type

Choose sunscreen that suits your skin type to avoid various skin problems others such as blackheads and acne.

3. Use sunscreen in sufficient quantities

To get optimal benefits, use it sunscreen evenly with the measure right. How to usesunscreen The recommended dose is 2 knuckles adjust the size of the face.

4. Shuffling sunscreen before use

Before applying to the skin, some product sunscreen shapedspray and liquid, requires the user to shake the packaging bottle.

5. Usesunscreen on all exposed parts of the body

Apply sunscreen all over exposed skin surfaces such as the face, neck, ears, etc legs.

6. Using sunscreen 15-30 minutes before leaving the room

7. Re-apply or reapplysunscreen

Effectivenesssunscreenwill decrease with sun exposure. do not forget apply Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours

8. Even in the room still wear sunscreen

Usage sunscreen not only done when doing outdoor activities, but It is important to keep applying it when indoors because of the light Ultraviolet can still penetrate into the room.

Skin care is important not only for women, but men also need to take care of it, especially since outdoor activities are more often done by men. It is important to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight so that in the future it will not only make the skin color darker, but prevent us from the risk of skin cancer.
