kesehatanjiwa, psikiatri, psikiater, psikolog, mentalillness, mentalhealth, cegah depresi

How to Maintain Mental Health

Mental health is a condition where emotional, psychological, and social well-being can be maintained. Mental health is more than just the absence of disease.

Mental health disorders or mental illnesses can affect the way a person thinks and behaves. These disorders can change mood and make it difficult to carry out activities at home, work, school, or in the surrounding environment.

Self-care plays an important role in maintaining mental health and helps support treatment and recovery of health of course. Self-care means taking the time to do positive things that can help a person to live well in improving physical and mental health. This can help a person manage stress, reduce the risk of disease, and increase energy. Although it seems trivial, the act of caring in everyday life can have a big impact on the body and life.

Here are ways to care for ourselves that we can do to maintain mental health:

  • Do regular exercise. Walking for 30 minutes every day can improve mood and health.
  • Eat healthy and regular foods and stay hydrated. A balanced diet and plenty of water can increase a person's energy and focus in carrying out daily activities. Pay attention to your body's intake and don't let it have a negative impact or influence on your health and mood, such as consuming caffeine and alcohol.
  • Set a sleep pattern and rest hours. Make sleep a priority, set a schedule, and make sure you get enough sleep. Avoid screen time or gadget use if it makes it difficult to sleep at night.
  • Do activities that calm the body and soul such as meditation, muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises. Schedule regular time for these healthy activities and other activities you enjoy, such as listening to music, reading, spending time in nature, and doing non-stressful hobbies.
  • Set goals and priorities. Determine what needs to be done now and what can be postponed. Learn to say "no" to new tasks if doing them feels like too much work. Try to appreciate what has been achieved.
  • Practice being grateful. Remind yourself of the things you should be grateful for. Focus on the positive and keep away all negative thoughts that start to bother you
  • Keep social interaction especially with friends or family members who can provide emotional support.

How to care for mental health can be different for each person. However, it is very important for us to find what works and what we need to care for ourselves and our mental health.

If you have signs or symptoms of mental illness, see your primary health care provider or mental health professional immediately. Remember that most mental illnesses do not get better on their own, and if left untreated, mental illness can worsen over time and can cause serious problems.

