Prevent complications, know how to treat wounds in diabetes sufferers!

Prevent complications, know how to treat wounds in diabetes sufferers!

Diabetes is a disease with high blood sugar in the body which can cause various complications and health problems, one of which is diabetic foot wounds or diabetic ulcers. As is known, high blood sugar in diabetes sufferers is because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or insulin cannot work optimally (insulin resistance). Even though insulin is really needed to absorb glucose or sugar from food to be used as energy for the body. Glucose that accumulates in the blood causes high blood sugar levels.

Wounds in people with diabetes have a longer healing time than wounds in healthy people. This condition is caused by blood sugar levels that are too high. This triggers nerve damage, lowers the body's immunity, and reduces blood circulation to the injured area. As a result, wounds become difficult to dry and difficult to heal. Diabetic wound care is needed to prevent the spread of wounds and increase the risk of amputation. Some ways, namely cleaning the wound, reducing pressure on the wound, covering the wound with a bandage, and controlling blood sugar levels regularly.

Steps for Treating Diabetic Wounds
Some steps that can be taken include:

1. Clean the wound

The main treatment for diabetes wounds can be done by cleaning the wounds every day. The method is to use soap and running water. After that, dry it and apply the ointment recommended by the doctor. Do not soak the wound because it can trigger infection.

2. Reduce pressure on the wound

Pressure on the wound can be reduced by wearing loose clothing. If the wound is located on the foot, you should wear shoes that are specially designed to prevent worsening of the wound due to diabetes. This step can speed up the healing process.

3. Cover the wound with a bandage

Closing the wound aims to prevent infection and speed up the healing process. However, make sure to choose a special bandage or gauze for diabetes, according to the doctor's recommendations.

4. Control blood sugar levels

Treatment of diabetic wounds can then be done by controlling blood sugar levels. Because uncontrolled sugar levels can complicate the healing process, and even worsen existing wounds. Apart from that, sufferers are also advised to live a healthy lifestyle and insulin therapy if needed.

5. Watch for signs of infection

Infection in diabetic wounds is characterized by redness, pain, pus, swelling, and a warm sensation in the surrounding area. Sometimes, sores appear from inside the wound accompanied by a pungent odor. If this condition occurs, diabetic wound treatment can be done by cleaning blood, water and pus. Next, remove dead skin in the surrounding area and apply the ointment recommended by your doctor.

6. Fulfill nutritional intake

One of the recommended intakes to speed up the wound healing process is protein. These nutrients can be obtained from eggs, chicken breast, salmon, shrimp, tuna, milk and soybeans. Protein can help repair damaged skin tissue. Apart from protein, make sure to meet your intake of calories, fat, fiber, zinc and vitamin C to speed up the wound healing process.


If diabetes wound care is not carried out properly, the impact can be tissue death which can lead to amputation. The sooner treatment is carried out, the smaller the risk of complications occurring. Friends of Hermina carry out routine health checks at RSU Hermina Pandanaran, get easy doctor registration via the Halo Hermina mobile application, Call Center 1500488 and the website

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