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Prevent Obesity In Children

Obese children do look adorable, especially on the cheeks, so chubby. But behind that, there are health hazards that lurk in children with obesity.

Several circumstances can be a factorobesity in children. In addition to heredity, poor diet,excess milk, and lack of physical activity and exercise can also cause children to experience obesity. This should not be allowed, because there are various health hazards that lurk and can be experienced by obese children, starting fromearly pubertyto the risk of developing diabetes.

Not all children who look fat and have a large body are obese. To determine this, an examination must be carried outbody mass index (BMI)child. To be more certain and accurate, have your child checked by a doctor. The doctor will determine whether the child is obese based on the results of the BMI examination.

In children who are obese, there are several health hazards that can occur, namely:

  1. High cholesterol and high blood
  2. Type 2 diabetes
  3. Asthma
  4. Arthritis

How to Overcome Obesity in Children

If your child is obese, try to adopt a healthy lifestyle to lose weight. Some of the following activities parents can do to help obese children overcome the problem of being overweight:

  1. Familiarize children to eat healthy food

Limit children to eat fast food. Invite and get used to the child toeat healthy food, such as vegetables, fruit, protein, whole grains, and low-fat milk.

  1. Invite children to be more active

Make sure your child isn't just sitting around playing games or watching TV at home. Invite children to do various physical activities ordo light exercise, for example playing hide and seek or jumping rope. Mothers can also invite children to come alongshopso that he does not just stay in the house.

  1. Lots of activities with family

In addition to making family bonds closer, doing activities with family can also help overcome obesity in children. The trick, find physical activities that are fun and can be enjoyed by all family members, such as swimming or walking leisurely.

In addition to the methods above, administering weight loss drugs can be one solution. However, this drug should not be taken carelessly. Its use must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Various kinds of health hazards that can occur in obese children. That is why, this condition should not be allowed andprevented as much as possible. With changes in diet and lifestyle, children can achieve ideal body weight.

If the child's weight does not go down, you should do itdoctor's examinationpediatrician at Hermina Medan General Hospital so that obesity in children can be treated before it causes complications.
