Preventing Disease, Here's the Immunization You Should Get Early

Preventing Disease, Here's the Immunization You Should Get Early

In Indonesia, immunization is a compulsory activity that must be done to a degree of Public Health. Immunization is an attempt to actively enhance a person's immunity to a disease so that a person will not get sick or just experience mild pain.
So, what kind of immunization should I get when my child is too old? Here are the types of immunizations that should not be missed


1. Hepatitis B Vaccine

This vaccine is given to newborns immediately before they are 24 hours old. This vaccine is carried out to prevent the transmission of Hepatitis B infection from mother to baby and prevent disruption of liver function. The Hepatitis B Vaccine dose for Newborns is given in 4 doses according to a predetermined schedule.


2. Polio Vaccine

Polio vaccine is also given after the new baby is born. The Ministry of Health provides free polio immunization in all government health facilities. Immunizations given:  Drop polio vaccine (OPV) is given 4 times, at the age of 1, 2, 3, 4 months

Injectable polio vaccine (IPV) is given once at 4 months of age

The function of the Polio Vaccine is to prevent attacks on the nervous system which can cause paralysis and even death.


3. BCG vaccine

The BCG vaccine is given immediately after birth or before the baby is 1 month old. This vaccine is useful for protecting babies from tuberculosis (TB) which is caused by infection with the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis


4. DPT vaccine

The DPT vaccine can be given from 6 weeks of age in the form of the DTwP or DTaP vaccine. The DTaP vaccine is given at the age of 2, 3, 4 months or 2, 4, 6 months. The function of the DPT vaccine itself is to protect against Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus.


5. HIB vaccine

The HIB vaccine can be given at 2, 3 and 4 months of age. Then a Hib booster is given at the age of 18 months in the pentavalent vaccine. The HIB vaccine is used to prevent Hepatitis B, Pneumonia and Meningitis.


6. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV)

The PCV vaccine is given at 2, 4 and 6 months of age with a booster at 12-15 months of age. If it has not been given at the age of 7-12 months, give PCV 2 times with a distance of 1 month and a booster after 12 months with a distance of 2 months from the previous dose. The PCV vaccine is useful for preventing pneumonia


7. Rotavirus Vaccine

Monovalent rotavirus vaccine is given 2 times, the first dose starting at 6 weeks of age, the second dose internally for a minimum of 4 weeks, must be completed at 24 weeks of age. This vaccine is useful for preventing the transmission of diarrhea


8. Influenza Vaccine

Influenza vaccine is given starting at 6 months of age, repeated every year. This vaccine is able to protect us from flu.

9. MR/MMR vaccine

MR / MMR vaccine at the age of 9 months give the MR vaccine. If you have not received the MR vaccine until you are 12 months old, you can be given MMR. The benefit of the MR vaccine is preventing measles and rubella


10. Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine

The JE vaccine is given from the age of 9 months in endemic areas or those who will travel to endemic areas. For long-term protection, you can give a booster 1-2 years later.


11. Varicella vaccine

The varicella vaccine is given from 12-18 months of age. This vaccine can prevent exposure to chickenpox.


12. Hepatitis A Vaccine

Hepatitis A vaccine is given in 2 doses starting at the age of 1 year, the second dose is given 6 months to 12 months later


13. Typhoid Vaccine

The polysaccharide typhoid vaccine is given from the age of 2 years and repeated every 3 years. This vaccine functions to prevent typhus/typhoid fever.


14. Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine

The HPV vaccine is given to girls aged 9-14 years twice, 6-15 months apart (or in the BIAS class 5 and 6 program). This vaccine prevents and reduces the number of cases of genital cancer, especially CERVICAL CANCER.


15. Dengue Vaccine

The dengue vaccine is given to children aged 9-16 years who are seropositive for dengue as proven by a history of having been treated with a diagnosis of dengue. The benefit of this vaccine is to prevent dengue fever.


If you want to do further consultations, our Specialist Doctors are available at Hermina Samarinda Hospital.

Created by : dr. Erviani, Sp.A

Referenced : Peraturan Mentri Kesehatan PMK_No._12_ttg_Penyelenggaraan_Imunisasi_ 2017
Maria Tomohon (2023). Pentingnya Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap Bagi Bayi dan Balita


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