
Prevent Pneumonia in Children with PCV Vaccine Early

Pneumonia is an acute infection of the lungs that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. One of the main causes of pneumonia is the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae, also known as pneumococcus. This infection not only causes pneumonia, but can also lead to meningitis, middle ear infections (otitis media), and blood infections (bacteremia). To prevent pneumococcal infections, the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) has been developed and is recommended for use, especially in infants and children.

The Importance of PCV Vaccine
The PCV vaccine works by stimulating the immune system to recognize and fight pneumococcal bacteria. With vaccination, the body will form specific antibodies to fight the bacteria, so that if one day it is exposed, the body is ready to fight it. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends PCV vaccination as part of the routine immunization program for children worldwide. In Indonesia, the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) also recommends giving this vaccine to protect children from the dangers of pneumonia caused by pneumococcal bacteria.

PCV Vaccination Schedule
PCV vaccination should be started early to ensure optimal protection. The following is the recommended PCV vaccination schedule:

  • Ages 2, 4, and 6 months: The vaccine is given three times with a one-month interval between each dose.
  • Ages 12–15 months: A booster dose is given to strengthen protection.

If your child has not received the PCV vaccination according to the schedule above, there is still an opportunity to catch up on vaccination:

  • Ages 7–12 months: The vaccine is given twice with a one-month interval, plus one booster dose after the age of 12 months with a minimum gap of two months from the previous dose.
  • Ages 1–2 years: The vaccine is given twice with a two-month interval.
  • Ages 2–5 years: The vaccine is given once.

Vaccination according to the schedule is very important to ensure that children get maximum protection against pneumococcal infection.

Benefits of PCV Vaccination
PCV vaccination is effective in reducing the incidence of pneumonia and other diseases caused by pneumococcal bacteria. In addition to protecting vaccinated individuals, PCV vaccination also provides herd immunity, which is protection for people around them who may not be able to receive the vaccine, such as very young infants or individuals with certain medical conditions. With widespread vaccination coverage, the spread of pneumococcal bacteria in the community can be significantly reduced.

PCV Vaccine Safety

The PCV vaccine has undergone various clinical trials and has been declared safe for use. Possible side effects are generally mild, such as low fever, redness, or swelling at the injection site. These side effects usually disappear within a day or two. The benefits of vaccination far outweigh the minimal risk of side effects.

PCV vaccination is an important step in protecting children from pneumonia and other diseases caused by pneumococcal bacteria. By following the recommended vaccination schedule, parents can ensure that their children receive optimal protection. In addition, PCV vaccination also contributes to creating herd immunity, which helps protect the community as a whole. Consult a pediatrician at RSU Hermina Pandanaran and make sure your little one gets vaccinated according to schedule.


Written and reviewed by: dr. Affri Dian, Sp.A

