Cegah Stunting Dengan Gizi Tepat

Cegah Stunting Dengan Gizi Tepat

Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by a lack of nutritional intake over a long period of time, resulting in growth disorders in children, namely the child's height is lower or shorter (stunted) than the age standard.

The condition of a child's short body is often said to be a hereditary (genetic) factor from both parents, so that many people just accept it without doing anything to prevent it. In fact, as we know, genetics is a determinant of health that has the least influence when compared to behavioral, environmental factors (social, economic, cultural, political), and health services. In other words, stunting is a problem that can actually be prevented.

One of the government's current focuses is stunting prevention. This effort aims to ensure that Indonesian children can grow and develop optimally and optimally, accompanied by emotional, social and physical abilities that are ready to learn, and able to innovate and compete at the global level.


Getting to Know Stunting

Quoting the Indonesian Ministry of Health, stunting is a child's growth and development disorder which is  caused by a lack of nutritional intake, infection, or inadequate stimulation. Therefore, it is very important to meet children's nutritional needs and pay attention to their healthy growth and development, so that children do not experience stunting. Stunting is a condition where a toddler has a length or height that is less than the standard for his age which is measured by a length or height that is lower than minus two standard deviations from the median of WHO growth standards.

Fulfillment of Child Nutrition

Fulfilling children's nutrition must also be carried out since your little one is still in the womb. Fulfillment of nutrition, especially in the first 1,000 days of life, is the first effort to avoid stunting. Fulfillment of nutrition includes nutrition during pregnancy and childhood up to the age of two years. The health of pregnant women and children must also be maintained by implementing clean and healthy living habits so as to reduce the frequency of infections in pregnant women and children.

Regular monitoring of children's growth and development also needs to be carried out, both in the womb, every month after birth until they are two years old, then 6-12 months after they are two years old, so that growth delays can be detected immediately for intervention.

Prevent Stunting with Nutrition

So that children are free from the threat of stunting, it is necessary to provide a variety of healthy, nutrient-rich foods to support children's growth and development. Children must get sufficient food intake, according to their age. The composition of the food must also be balanced, between carbohydrates, protein, fat and vitamins and minerals. All nutrients are certainly good and necessary for a child's body, but the following nutrients are the most important for preventing children from experiencing stunting:

  1. Protein, Protein is one of the macronutrients that is very important for stunted children. Necessary for growth, building muscle mass, and increasing body endurance,", many children in developing countries lack quality protein and essential amino acids in the diet which has negative consequences for growth and reducing stunting. Milk, chicken eggs and chicken meat are examples of protein sources with the highest amino acid (SAA) scores. This means that 100 percent of chicken milk and egg protein, or 80 percent of chicken meat protein, can be absorbed and used by the body. Meanwhile, beef protein can only be absorbed as much as 69 percent. However, vegetable protein also needs to be consumed. Several types of vegetable protein, for example tofu, tempeh, nuts are also recommended to be consumed every day along with animal protein.
  2. Zinc, or zinc, is an important type of mineral that the body really needs. How could it not be, its presence in the body can help strengthen immunity, for example: meat, oysters, nuts, legumes, eggs, chocolate, spinach, mushrooms, peas, cashews.
  3. Zinc. This essential mineral plays a role in the activation and synthesis of growth hormone, maintaining the body's immunity, as an antioxidant and taste function, as well as stabilizing cell membranes,". Some examples of foods rich in zinc are beef, chicken, chicken eggs, shrimp, crab, almonds, chickpeas, pumpkin, sesame, green beans and dairy products.
  4. Calcium and vitamin D, Calcium is the main component of bones, while vitamin D helps the process of calcium metabolism. Apart from that, calcium is also needed for the nervous system, muscles and heart.
  5. Iodine Iodine, is a mineral that is  important for weight and height growth as well as brain intelligence development. Toddlers who experience iodine deficiency will have a lower intelligent quotient (IQ) than toddlers who have sufficient iodine.

Iodine is a mineral needed by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. If you are deficient in this mineral, several health problems may occur. One way to meet these mineral needs is by consuming foods that contain iodine. Examples of foods that contain iodine: Seaweed, cod, shrimp, tuna, milk and plums.

Consult a complete nutrition specialist with a clinical nutrition specialist at RSU Hermina Pandanaran with Dr. Etisa Adi Murbawani, Msi, Sp.GK(K). Get easy registration via the Halo Hermina mobile application, Call Center 1500 488 and Website www.herminahospitals.com

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