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Code Stroke: The Importance of Immediately Taking Stroke Patients to the Hospital

Stroke is a serious medical condition that can occur suddenly and requires quick treatment to minimize the risk of permanent damage to the brain. Code stroke is a medical term used to describe emergency procedures that must be performed when someone is suspected of having a stroke. In these situations, every second counts and quick action can make a big difference between recovery and worse outcomes.

Why is Code Stroke Important?

1. Time is Brain or Time is the Brain : The main concept in stroke management is "time is brain". This means that the sooner a person gets medical treatment after a stroke, the smaller the chance of permanent damage to the brain. Every minute can make a significant difference in a patient's prognosis.

2. Thrombolysis : One of the important medical procedures in treating stroke is thrombolysis, which is the administration of medication to dissolve blood clots that are blocking blood flow to the brain. This thrombolysis is only effective if done within a very limited time after the stroke occurs, usually within the first 4.5 hours.

3. Evaluation and Follow-up Treatment : Upon arrival at the hospital, the patient will be immediately evaluated using a variety of tests and scans to determine the type of stroke and the area of ​​the brain affected. This is important for planning further treatment and reducing the risk of complications.

Signs and Symptoms of Stroke

Signs of stroke can vary, but some common symptoms to look out for are:

Sudden paralysis or weakness of the face, arms, or legs, especially on one side of the body.
Difficulty speaking or understanding other people's speech.
Sudden difficulty in vision, especially in one eye.
Unnaturally intense dizziness or loss of balance.
Sudden and unusual severe headache.

Actions to Take

If you or someone around you suspects you are having a stroke, immediately take the following steps:

Call an ambulance or take him to the nearest hospital. Providing this emergency aid will allow the medical team to begin treatment immediately.
Alert the medical team of suspected stroke by stating the time when symptoms first appeared. This information will help in determining the appropriate treatment strategy.

Code stroke is an emergency response that requires everyone to act quickly and effectively when faced with the possibility of a stroke. Quick involvement of the medical team and early recognition of symptoms will increase the patient's chances of recovery without more serious complications. Awareness of the signs and symptoms of stroke and the importance of a quick reaction is key in ensuring the safety and health of someone who has had a stroke.

An integrated stroke service has been opened at Hermina Bekasi Hospital to provide the best care for stroke patients. Hermina Hospital is committed to providing fast and effective treatment supported by an experienced medical team and state-of-the-art medical support. The greatest chance of recovery can be obtained when stroke patients are successfully treated within the golden time period of treatment.  If you find a relative experiencing symptoms resembling a stroke, don't hesitate to visit Hermina Bekasi Hospital to get the right treatment from our team of doctors.


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