The weather is unfriendly, beware of flu and coughs!

The weather is unfriendly, beware of flu and coughs!

Coughing or what is known as a reflex action from the respiratory tract which is used to clear the upper airway. The cough symptoms experienced can occur due to several factors, starting from the weather, environment, and body condition that is not fit
In general, coughs will improve within 2 weeks depending on the condition of our immune system. However, if the cough lasts for 3 weeks or more, you should immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI) is inflammation of the nose, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, epiglottis, or larynx caused by infection with pathogenic organisms. Of the 200 viruses that cause ISPA, there are 3 types of viruses that have the highest presentation, namely Rhinovirus (30-50%), Coronavirus (10-15%), Influenza virus (5-15%).
However, some people with certain conditions can increase the risk of ARI, including:
1. Age
0-4 years are more at risk of experiencing ARI
2. Disease
Studies report asthma as an independent risk factor that can increase the risk of ARI
3. Cigarettes
Active or passive smokers, the risk of ARI is more frequent, due to changes in the mucosal resistance of smokers' airways so that pathogens attack more easily
4. Pollutants
people exposed to pollutants, such as textile factory workers or construction workers and others.
5. Immunocompromised
HIV patients, post-splenectomy, and corticosteroid users are more susceptible
Taking preventive steps can be started by using a mask, keeping your body clean such as your hands, and keeping your distance from those who are sick. Here are some signs and symptoms of ISPA:
1. Rhinorrhea
2. Colds
3. Nasal congestion
4. Sneezing
5. Sore throat
6. Cough
7. Fever
8. Headache or dizziness
9. Muscle and joint pain
10. Malaise

The course of ARI disease can start from:
1. Incubation
The incubation period lasts 1–3 days from exposure
2. Complaints
lasts 7–10 days, can persist for up to 3 weeks, ARI is a self-limiting disease and can be completely cured in 14 days.
3. End
Recovered/disease progresses
If you have a fever for >3 days continuously, a cough that doesn't get better, and shortness of breath. Visit a doctor immediately if the complaint does not improve.
Review By: dr. Ahmad Mustang, Sp.P
  Dr. L.M. Dila Pramashari
 Dr. Andi Wardatul Ulfah

Reference :
Thomas, Micah., Bomar Paul.,2023.Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.tatPearls Publishing.NCBI Bookshelf
Achamdi, 2012. ISPA is the Main Killer. Http://
Ardi, 2018. Risk factors for acute lower tract infection in children under five years of age. Medical Public Health

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