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The Impact of Gadgets on Eye Health

Gadgets, be it cellphones (HP), tablets, and laptops, are items that are difficult to separate from everyday life. This tool is also familiar to children. From elementary school (SD) children to kindergarten (TK) though, many have their own gadgets. It is undeniable, technology has become one thing that is very closely related to humans today. Through technology, the information window is wide open so that humans can develop in terms of education, economy, creativity, and other fields.

Basically, children's eyes are still sensitive, especially to light and will continue to develop until they reach adulthood. Children aged 3-7 years certainly enjoy playing with gadgets for a long time, because apart from being curious, there are many visually interesting things for them. If from an early age children have been 'accustomed to' staring at light or light excessively, then there is a possibility that their vision will be damaged more quickly and permanently disturbed if not treated immediately.

According to the American Optometric Association, the definition of overuse is when children over the age of two use gadgets for more than two hours a day. The gadget screen emits a light called high energy visible or commonly known as blue light which is harmful to the eyes. The risk of problems such as computer vision syndrome, a symptom that arises because the eyes are too focused on the screen, causing feelings of discomfort if done for too long. In addition, prolonged use of gadgets can also cause nearsightedness (myopia).

Some eye health problems that often occur in children who experience radiation from the gadget screen:

  • Tired eyes (asthenopia), The eye muscles get tired quickly and make vision blurry.
  • Dry eyes, The frequency of blinking will decrease, so they will often complain of sore or painful eyes, experience dry eyes.
  • Crossed eyes (strabismus), Exposure to blue light from a gadget screen that is too intense and close can increase the risk of a child's eyes becoming squinted.
  • Nearsightedness (myopia), The eyeball becomes more flexible or elongated which makes the child susceptible to nearsightedness (myopia).

Tips to avoid eye health problems due to the use of gadgets:

  1. Apply 20-20-20. Take the time every 20 minutes to look into the distance or an area other than the gadget screen 20 inches ahead (or as far as the eye can see and not force the eye to focus) for 20 seconds. This method can help relax the inner and outer focus muscles of the eye.
  2. Adjust the screen light settings to the lighting of the room, don't make it too bright or too dim or dark. Set the screen lighting level to a minimum so that there is no excessive contraction of the eyes.
  3. Limit your child's use of gadgets to a maximum of one hour per day. Try to give a break every 20-30 minutes for the child to rest for at least 5 minutes. Remind the child to blink to wet his eyes, so his eyes don't dry out.
  4. Use eye drops that contain active ingredients to treat dryness of the eyes.
  5. Eat nutritious foods that help maintain eye health.
  6. Stop using the gadget immediately if your child has visual disturbances. Consult an ophthalmologist for proper medical treatment.

Hermina Pandanaran Hospital has an ophthalmologist. Hermina's friends can do regular eye health checks. For complete information about Hermina Pandanaran Hospital, please call the hotline 024-8442525.
