Impact of Air Pollution on Health

Impact of Air Pollution on Health

Air pollution or air pollution is one of the environmental problems that has a negative impact on various aspects, one of which is for human health.

In several big cities, especially those that are currently hitting the nation's capital, air pollution is a problem that people often complain about. The air mixed with factory production residue, household waste, burning waste, and motorized vehicle fumes, makes the air have a very high pollutant content. If left unchecked, this can cause adverse effects on health. In terms of health, air pollution due to environmental pollution can cause several impacts, including the following:

    Generates disease germs

Unclean air can contain harmful substances, dust and disease germs. This disease is caused by air pollution, including shortness of breath, asthma and does not rule out the possibility of causing cancer.

2. Makes eyes sore and irritated

Air pollution not only attacks breathing but can also make your eyes sore and easily irritated. Exposure to bad air can trigger dry eye syndrome, irritation to conjunctivitis.

We recommend using glasses or eye protection when you move in locations with poor air quality. Don't forget to always carry eye drops and avoid touching your eyes too often

3. Disorders of the reproductive system

For pregnant women, air pollution is also very dangerous for themselves and their fetus. The impact of air pollution on pregnant women can trigger inflammation throughout the body and trigger premature birth. Meanwhile for the fetus, this condition can result in a miscarriage.

4. Respiratory tract infection

The impact of air pollution from vehicle fumes, factory fumes, cigarette smoke, and others can trigger respiratory problems, such as asthma, acute respiratory infection, and lung cancer. In addition, air pollution can also end in reduced oxygen levels in the human body

5. Reducing visibility

This can happen if the air pollution is very thick. If the smoke on the street is very thick, it can interfere with vision which can automatically reduce visibility. If visibility is reduced, one solution is to walk with caution to avoid collisions or accidents.

Prevention efforts from the effects of air pollution

1. Limiting the use of motorized vehicles on days with higher pollution levels

2. Wear a mask when leaving the house or doing activities outside

3. Limit walking or activities at busy times

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