The impact of stunting on child development, see the explanation from a pediatrician at Hermina Hospital, Malang

The impact of stunting on child development, see the explanation from a pediatrician at Hermina Hospital, Malang

Stunting is a disruption in the growth and development of children due to chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections, which is characterized by their length or height being below established standards (Minister of Health). According to WHO (World Health Organization), stunting is a growth and development disorder experienced by children due to poor nutrition, recurrent infections, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation ( stunting is a growth and development disorder experienced by children due to poor nutrition, repeated infections, and psychosocial stimulation who can't afford it). Malnutrition occurs while the baby is in the womb and in the early stages of childhood.

Stunting often appears after the age of two years, characterized by:

• Impaired growth and development.

• First 1000 days of a child's life.

• Long term consequences

Why is stunting intervention & prevention needed?

The problem of stunting is not actually an impact on height, but on the child's brain development. The brain system is most sensitive and affected by conditions of malnutrition. Children who experience stunting are vulnerable to long-term developmental delays in quality of life.

When to consult a doctor

Make sure to regularly measure your child's weight, height and body mass index. Hermina's friends can also consult a specialist pediatrician who is a child growth and development consultant at Hermina Hospital in Malang. The doctor will screen the child's growth to find out whether the results are lagging behind compared to children his age.

Stunting Treatment

Treatment for stunting can be adjusted by knowing the cause, such as improving nutritional intake, providing supplements, and implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle. Another very important way to overcome stunting in children is to always monitor the child's growth and development through the Child Growth and Development Clinic with services. complete in handling child development and growth, including:

KTK Physiotherapy: Therapy services to improve gross motor skills (head lifting, lying down, sitting, standing & walking)

Sensory Integration: Therapy services to improve training, concentration and behavior appropriate to the environment.

Speech Therapy: Therapy services to improve language skills, speech, feeding problems and intervention for hearing disorders.

Occupational Therapy: Therapy services to improve hand function ability for daily activities.

Parents are alert in efforts to prevent and treat stunting in children. This can be consulted with a specialist pediatrician, child growth and development consultant at Hermina Hospital, Malang, if naturally his height appears shorter than children his age. For children under 2 years, examinations should be carried out every 1-2 months. Meanwhile, for children over 2 years old, examinations can be carried out once a year.

De Onis et al., 2016

WHO, 2015; WHO 2018

World Health Statistics, 2023

Acta Biomedica 2021

Xie et al, 2019

Ayling, 2023

KnE Ecianes 2022

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