zat besi, kekurangan zat besi, defisiensi besi, anemia defisiensi besi, anak, dokter spesialis anak

Iron Deficiency (DB) and Iron Deficiency Anemia (ADB)

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common nutrient deficiency problem in children throughout the world, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. This disease is caused by a lack of iron in the sufferer's body.
Iron deficiency during childhood, especially in the first 5 years of life, can have a negative impact on the quality of life of children which will have an impact on the future of the nation. SKRT data for 2007 shows that the prevalence of ADB in Indonesian toddlers is around 40-45%, babies 0-6 months 61.3%, babies 6-12 months 64.8, and children under five 48.1%
Epidemiologically: the highest prevalence is found in late infancy and early childhood, including due to iron deficiency during pregnancy and accelerated growth during childhood accompanied by low iron intake from food, or due to the use of formula milk with low iron levels.
ADB is also often found during adolescence due to accelerated growth, inadequate iron intake and exacerbated by blood loss due to menstruation in adolescent girls.
The Role of Iron

Iron Deficiency and Brain Function

Neurological deficits that occur due to DB/ADB early in life include:
1. Change in temperament
2. Memory is impaired
3. Mental and psychomotor deficits
4. Abnormal neurological reflexes
5. Auditory Brain-System Disorders (Premature Babies)
6. Schizophrenia
7. Low IQ
8. Slow processing speed
9. Attention, motor, cognitive, behavioral deficits
10. Sleep disorders

DB/ADB early in life can occur:
1. Iron supply decreases
a. Insufficient iron stores at birth:
• LBW, Premature, Gemelli
• Mother suffers from anemia. Heavy Fe
• Fetal blood loss, retroplacental bleeding feto-maternal transfusion
b. Intake of Fe is less:
• Food lacking Fe
• Babies drink cow's milk -> 4 months
• Breastfed babies -> 6 months
• Food mixture is not ideal -> Fe absorption
c. Fe absorption disorders:
• Chronic diarrhea
• Malabsorption syndrome
• Gastrointestinal tract obstruction
2. Needs increase:
• Rapid growth
3. Iron loss due to bleeding:
• Polyposis
• Meckeli's diverticulum
• Ankylostomiasis, amoebiasis
• Recurrent epistactsis
• Hemorrhoids
• Abnormal menstruation
4. Combination

If Hermina's friends want to know whether their child is suffering from iron deficiency or IDA, immediately consult a pediatrician.

Review By: Dr. Nisrina Syahdu, Sp.A., M.Kes
Reference :
Indonesian Pediatrician Association (2013), Iron Deficiency Anemia in Infants and Children.
Averrous Journal Vol.4 No.2 (2018), Iron Deficiency Anemia
