Early Detection of Hydrocephalus in Babies

Early Detection of Hydrocephalus in Babies

Hydrocephalus is a condition where there is an excessive buildup of fluid in the brain cavity, causing pressure inside the head to increase. Hydrocephalus that occurs in babies can cause the head to enlarge. Under normal circumstances, there is brain fluid that fills the chambers (ventricles) in the brain.

The fluid in the brain cavity in question is called cerebrospinal fluid, which is a clear and colorless fluid that flows in and around the brain and spinal cord. This fluid functions to keep the brain floating in the head cavity, cushions and protects the brain from impacts, maintains pressure balance in the brain, and removes waste products from brain metabolism.

Excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid can be caused by an imbalance between the production of cerebrospinal fluid and the reabsorption of the fluid, for example because there is a blockage in the cerebrospinal fluid channels, absorption that is not optimal, or excessive production. In fact, an increase in pressure inside the head that is too high due to hydrocephalus can cause damage to brain tissue and  inhibit the formation of new nerve cells, which can later disrupt the child's growth and development; and can cause various other disorders of brain function, even death.


Types of Hydrocephalus

Congenital Hydrocephalus
This type is a congenital abnormality that occurs due to disorders in the womb. This kind of thing can happen because of disorders experienced by the mother during pregnancy. For example, the mother has a toxoplasma infection, lacks folic acid, or several other reasons.

  • Acquired Hydrocephalus

Occurs due to disorders in the brain, for example due to stroke, inflammation of the lining of the brain, or brain tumors. This disease causes disruption of circulation or absorption of brain fluid so that hydrocephalus can occur.

  • Causes of Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus that occurs in babies is generally the result of infection during pregnancy. These infections are caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV), rubella, mumps, syphilis, or toxoplasma. Meanwhile, hydrocephalus that occurs after birth (acquired hydrocephalus) is generally caused by disease in the brain which causes disturbances in the circulation of brain fluid. For example, due to brain hemorrhage, brain tumor, inflammation of the brain or inflammation of the lining of the brain.


Hydrocephalus Diagnosis

Hydrocephalus which occurs due to infection during the mother's pregnancy can actually be detected while the baby is still in the womb, namely by ultrasound examination. Meanwhile, when the baby is born, hydrocephalus can begin to be suspected when the baby's head circumference is measured.

Babies who experience hydrocephalus have a larger head circumference than other babies their age. To confirm the presence of hydrocephalus, a brain CT scan is usually required. In some cases, MRI is also needed to find out the cause of hydrocephalus.


Symptoms of Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus that occurs when a newborn baby usually shows symptoms in the form of:

  1. The baby looks constantly sleepy or less responsive to conditions around him.
  2. The legs and arms continue to contract so they look stiff and difficult to move.
  3. Babies experience developmental delays, for example at 6 months they cannot lie on their stomachs, or at 9 months they cannot sit.
  4. The baby's head looks bigger, also getting bigger all the time compared to children his age.
  5. The baby's scalp is thin, and the blood vessels can be seen clearly.
  6. Irregular breathing.
  7. Having recurrent seizures.


Prevention of Hydrocephalus

Prevention of hydrocephalus begins in pregnancy. Pregnant women must carry out regular checks so that if there is a viral infection, it can be identified and treated immediately. Ensure that pregnant women, babies and children receive complete immunization according to the government schedule. Several causes of hydrocephalus such as rubella infection, meningitis, and encephalitis can be prevented by immunization.

Regular health consultations at RSU Hermina Pandanaran. Get easy registration via the Halo Hermina mobile application, Call Center 1500488 and Website www.herminahospitals.com

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