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Eating Disorders: Recognizing Eating Disorder Behavior

Eating disorders are behavioral conditions characterized by eating disorders that are closely related to mental health. Eating disorders can affect overall health conditions including physical, mental and social health.

This eating disorder behavior affects 5% of the world's population, most eating disorder sufferers are in young adulthood and mostly affect women. However, this eating disorder behavior also affects men and can be experienced by all ages.

Eating disorders are closely related to eating patterns, weight changes, and anxious behavior about food. Some people with eating disorders refuse to eat and others eat large amounts. People with this eating disorder cannot control their thoughts and responses to food. This is based on the anxiety that is felt mentally and emotionally from sufferers.

Some types of eating disorders (eating disorders):

  • Anorexia Nervosa

            Anorexia is characterized by behavior in which a person limits food intake to enter the body. Not infrequently, anorexic sufferers deliberately starve themselves with the aim of losing                     weight which makes them thinner. Anorexic sufferers have an obsession with looking thin, even though the sufferer's weight is below normal. Anorexia causes sufferers to experience                     disturbances in the menstrual cycle for women, malnutrition, dehydration, hair loss, constipation, fatigue, stress, and depression.

  • Bulimia Nervosa

           Bulimia is a behavior when a person eats large amounts and with frequent intensity, but is afraid of gaining weight. People with bulimia choose to regurgitate food that has been eaten.                   There are even sufferers who deliberately torture themselves with excessive exercise, and fasting for an uncontrollable number of hours. People with bulimia are usually not known by                   many people around them because bulimics usually have normal weight. However, bulimia sufferers can see the symptoms through frequent going to the toilet right after eating,                             inflammation in the throat due to frequent vomiting of food. People with bulimia can have health problems in the stomach and throat due to the behavior of vomiting food.

  • Binge-eating disorder

           People with binge-eating disorder have difficulty controlling their eating patterns. They eat large portions of food, usually they eat until they are too full, always eat even though they don't               feel hungry. But unlike bulimics, they have no desire to expel food from their bodies. People with binge-eating disorder usually experience depression due to embarrassment because they             eat large portions. People with this type of eating disorder can experience health complications such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart problems.

Eating disorder behavior is closely related to mental health. Therefore, treatment for people with eating disorders must be able to handle all the complications, namely psychologically and physically. In addition to addressing ideal nutritional needs, people with eating disorders can be trained to change healthy eating habits, both diet and food intake. So that people with eating disorders can restore health physically, emotionally, and psychologically.

If you or someone close to you is experiencing problems with eating disorders, immediately contact your favorite doctor at the nearest Hermina Hospital!
