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Side Effects of injectable KB, Which Women should be wary of.

Do you know about injectable contraceptives? This method of family planning is frequently used to prevent pregnancy because it has a success rate of up to 99 percent when used on time. However, there are some possible side effects of injectable birth control. What are the effects of the KB injection?

Injectable contraception is a type of contraception that is given by injecting hormones into the body. This hormone will later serve to prevent ovulation (the release of eggs) in the fertile period. As a result, your body will not produce eggs, so fertilization does not occur even though there are sperm that enter the reproductive organs. Similar to the use of other types of contraceptives, injectable contraceptives also have some side effects that must be considered.

Here are some side effects of injectable birth control that you need to pay attention to:

The most common side effect of using injectable contraceptives is menstrual disturbances, in particular, which make menstruation irregular. In addition, the progesterone content in injectable birth control can make the lining of your uterus thinner. As a result, you are at risk of stopping menstruation while routinely getting injections. There is no specific action you can take to overcome this one side effect. The reason is that injectable contraception is one type of hormonal contraceptive method that does affect the hormones in your body. Automatically, hormonal changes in the body also change your menstrual cycle. You actually don't have to worry about the side effects of this one injection KB. Your periods will slowly return after you stop using injectable birth control, although your menstrual cycles may often be irregular. Using injectable contraception as a contraceptive does require careful consideration.

One of the side effects of using injectable birth control is that it takes a long time to restore your fertility. This means that in order to return to fertility after you stop using injectable birth control, you may have to wait quite a while. There are women who may be able to get pregnant immediately after taking the contraceptive injection. However, this is quite rare. According to the Mayo Clinic, a woman usually has to wait 10 months or more if she wants to get pregnant again after stopping injectable birth control. Therefore, if you want to have a baby immediately after a long delay, you should reconsider if you want to use injectable birth control.

Birth control pills may be more suitable for you so that fertility returns faster. One of the side effects of using injectable contraceptives that also needs attention is that this contraceptive can reduce bone density. This side effect of injectable birth control is found in some women who have used injectable birth control for a long time. That is why injectable contraceptives are not recommended for use by women under 18 years of age or who have entered menopause. Therefore, if you want to continue using injectable birth control, you should take it with vitamin D supplements and increase your calcium intake. Similar to the side effects previously mentioned, you also don't have to worry about the side effects of using this particular injectable birth control. The reason is that after you stop using this hormonal contraceptive, your bone density will return to normal in a not too long period of time.

Usually, contraceptives that cause side effects in the form of headaches are hormonal contraceptives, for example, injectable contraceptives. Not only that, the use of birth control pills and the IUD also has the potential to cause this one side effect. However, if you experience headaches after taking birth control injections, you should immediately consult a doctor. Often, these side effects occur with long-term use of injectable birth control. If the headache is severe enough and can't be treated, it's better to stop using injectable birth control and switch to another form of contraception. With the use of birth control injections, you should not expect this contraceptive to overcome the problem of acne. Yes, even though it is a hormonal contraceptive. Injectable contraceptives cannot get rid of acne like birth control pills. Birth control pills can be used to treat acne because these contraceptives contain a combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the skin can be free of acne, brighter, and cleaner. Both hormones work by reducing excess testosterone in the body, which can worsen acne. Flatulence and abdominal cramps are common side effects of birth control injections for women. Yes, a bloated stomach accompanied by cramps and nausea are the initial complaints that are usually felt by women when they have just given birth control injections. The mechanism is this: when the level of the hormone progesterone in the body increases, the work of the digestive system will slow down. This condition causes the movement of food in the intestines to be slower than normal. As a result, you can experience digestive problems, such as bloating. In addition, the content of the hormone progesterone in injectable birth control can also cause fluid in the body to accumulate. This excess fluid is usually stored in the breasts, hips, and thighs. However, it is possible that excess fluid can also be stored in the stomach. This then makes the stomach feel bloated and uncomfortable. Flatulence can also occur because the body is trying to adjust to the additional hormone progesterone. When the body has started to get used to it, these side effects will slowly begin to disappear. So, you don't need to worry because usually the side effects of injectable birth control, such as nausea and flatulence, will slowly disappear over time.

Did you know that one of the side effects of injectable birth control is that it causes weight gain? It's true, it's not just birth control pills that make you fat. Women who use injectable contraceptives on average also gain up to 5 kilograms (kg) of weight during the first three years. While the side effects of other contraceptives may only increase by about 1-2 kg, However, you need to remember that the side effects of injectable birth control are not the main cause of weight gain. By exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet, you can overcome the side effects of using this injectable birth control. This method can at least help you control your weight, which may be easier to increase since the use of injectable birth control. Therefore, you need to discuss with your doctor which contraceptive suits you best. Apparently, another side effect that can also occur from the use of injectable birth control is the risk of getting cancer. Long-term use of injectable birth control can increase the chance of developing gliomas, a type of brain tumor that can develop into dangerous cancer. This is revealed in a study from the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Therefore, consult with your doctor about the side effects of using this injectable birth control if you choose to use it as a contraceptive.

Created by : Dr. Ulky Nur Mulkia Prio

Reviewed by : Dr. Risa Risfiandi, SP.OG
