Brain Tumor Facts and Myths We Need to Know

Brain Tumor Facts and Myths We Need to Know

Brain tumors are scary and terrible things for people who experience them. While brain cancer affects important parts of the body, there is still much that is unknown about this cancer.

Brain tumor is a disease that is dangerous and life threatening. Brain tumors are indeed not as many as other tumors, although brain tumors are quite rare, the impact can be very large for the sufferer. Currently there are myths circulating in society regarding brain tumors, let's discuss the myths and facts regarding brain tumors that you need to know.

What is a brain tumor?

Brain tumor is a disease that is caused due to the presence of abnormal cells in the brain that cause brain function to be disrupted.

There are two types of brain tumors namely primary and secondary.

Primary brain tumors originating from nerve cells in the brain or its surroundings, while secondary brain tumors originating from other organs so for example there are cancers in the breast, lung, large intestine then spread to the brain via blood vessels. This tumor is the most feared and considered a malignant tumor (cancer)
Brain Tumor Facts Myths?

Headache Signs of Brain Tumor
Fact: Severe headaches that are often experienced and difficult to treat with ordinary medicines, need to be watched out for, a symptom of a brain tumor. To diagnose whether the headache you are experiencing is a symptom of a brain tumor it is best to have control with a Neurologist.

Brain Tumors Attacking the Elderly
Myth: Children can also get brain tumors but they are much rarer. Even young productive age can experience brain tumors but aged 40-50 years and the elderly have more cases and are secondary brain tumors. The doctor will examine whether there are tumors in other organs as well.

For young people, 20 years and 30 years, the type of brain tumor that is experienced is the primary type.

Brain tumors can only be cured by surgery
Fact: If there is a foreign object in the brain, it will definitely interfere with brain function. The purpose of the first operation is so that our brain cells can work normally again, then the second is to find out the type of brain tumor. There are many types of brain tumors and the treatment depends on the type.

Gadget Radiation Causes Brain Tumors.
Myth: The research has been done properly and correctly but the results are not significant. Cellphones or Gadgets are not included in the causes of brain tumors.

Friends of Hermina need to know the initial symptoms of a brain tumor such as an unusual headache in one particular area continuously, not improving after taking medicine, then after the headache it turns out that there are additional symptoms such as double vision, memory problems, difficulty communicating. If a brain tumor is diagnosed sooner the better. There are many therapies that can be done to improve the quality of life. The goal is for patients to be diagnosed quickly so they can return to their original activities.

Do early detection if Hermina's Friends experience these symptoms.

Download the Halo Hermina application to make an appointment with specialist doctors at Hermina Bekasi Hospital.


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