kehamilan, kandungan

Factors that Influence Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates

Every pregnancy carries potential risks, although most pregnancies go smoothly without serious problems. No pregnancy is completely risk-free, but some pregnancies have additional risk factors that may increase the chance of complications.

Maternal health is an important part of health care that includes the mother's physical, mental, and social health during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Although much progress has been made in improving maternal health worldwide, there are still several obstacles that need to be overcome:

1. Limited access to birth assistance by skilled personnel and an inadequate referral system result in:

  1. Nearly 40% of women give birth without the help of skilled health personnel. These numbers show that significant challenges remain in ensuring that every woman has access to safe, quality health care during the birthing process. When women give birth without the assistance of skilled health personnel, the risk of serious complications for the mother and baby can increase significantly.
  2. 70% do not receive postnatal care within 6 weeks after delivery. Good postnatal care is essential to ensure the mother's recovery after giving birth, detect and treat health problems that may arise, and provide the necessary support for the health and well-being of the mother and baby.

In facing this challenge, it is important to increase access to delivery assistance services by qualified and skilled personnel. This involves investment in health infrastructure, training of health workers, the development of effective referral systems, and public health education to raise awareness of the importance of appropriate maternity care.

2. Three late causes of maternal death

  1. Delay in deciding to seek help either individually, as a family, or both.
  2. Delay in reaching health care facilities.
  3. Delay in getting adequate service.

3. Four too.

    1. Too young to marry (< 20 years old);
    2. Too old to get pregnant (> 35 years);
    3. Too often to get pregnant (< 2 years)
    4. Too many births (> 4 children)

Besides having an influence on maternal mortality rates, it also has an impact on infant mortality rates, infant growth, and infant development.

It is important to understand that although pregnancy can have risks, the majority of pregnancies end in a healthy birth. However, careful prenatal care, regular monitoring by qualified medical personnel, and healthy lifestyle changes can help reduce risks and improve health outcomes for mother and baby.

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  • Jaringan Nasional Pelatihan Klinik - Kesehatan Reproduksi (JNPK-KR)

