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Black Spots on the Face

Having a smooth and clean face to look beautiful and charming is every woman's dream. In addition to the problem of acne, the appearance of black spots on the face can directly reduce your confidence in yourself because you feel that your face is less smooth and clean due to black spots that stick to your face.

Black spots are blemishes or patches that are blackish in color on the face due to excessive skin pigmentation. This condition is a general condition and is usually not self-threatening for the sufferer.

Black spots on the face can be triggered by several factors, including sun exposure, hyperpigmentation, genetic factors and can also be caused by acne scars.
    • Sun exposure. Excessive sun exposure is the main cause of the appearance of black spots on the face as it encourages the skin to produce more melanin. Which then raises black spots on the face.
      Not only that, the face that is exposed to the sun continuously can also cause skin cancer. Therefore, it is very important to use sunscreen or sunscreen before going out and exposed to the sun.
    • Genetic factors. Not only external factors can cause black spots on the face, but genetic factors can also be one of the causes for the appearance of black spots or spots on the face. People who have this factor in their body will tend to be susceptible to diseases such as melasma which is caused by mild allergies, sun exposure or hormonal changes. The cause of black spots is usually more common in people with whiter or lighter skin color, have red, blonde or brown hair.
    • Hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition caused by an increase in melanin, a substance in the body that is responsible for skin coloring. This is because the skin produces excess melanin so that the black spots on the face will be seen more clearly.
    • Acne scars. Not only acne that can interfere with the appearance of facial skin. Likewise with acne scars. Acne scars often leave spots which over time will become black spots. It usually takes a long time for scars to disappear.
The characteristics of black spots on the face include:
    • Brownish or blackish in color. Usually black spots before appearing will be brownish before turning black.
    • Shaped in spots or spots and symmetrical in size.
    • It's around the cheeks, usually on the cheekbones, near the nose or under the eyes
    • large enough because it looks like spots or spots

How to get rid of black spots on the face.
If you want to get rid of black spots completely it is difficult. The use of skin care products alone is not enough to get rid of black spots on the face. Here are three ways to get rid of black spots that can be done:
    • Facial treatments using laser techniques.
      Laser surgery is one of the most popular treatments for women. In addition to helping brighten the face, lasers are also proven to help fade dark spots easily, quickly and with maximum results
    • Using Sunscreen / Sunscreen
      Use a facial moisturizer that contains sunscreen when doing outdoor activities. Choose a facial moisturizer product with UVA and UVB protection with a minimum SPF 15. Using sunscreen can't get rid of dark spots, but sunscreen can prevent new dark spots from appearing.
    • Consuming fruit juices
      Drinking fruit juice is a powerful way for those of you who want to maintain healthy skin. Fruits that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants are considered effective for preventing black spots on the face
