Functions and Benefits of Physiotherapy for Stroke Sufferers

Functions and Benefits of Physiotherapy for Stroke Sufferers

Functions and Benefits of Physiotherapy for Stroke Sufferers

Stroke is a medical emergency, because without the supply of oxygen and nutrients, cells in the affected part of the brain can die in just minutes. As a result, the part of the body controlled by this brain area cannot function properly.

Symptoms and Causes of Stroke

Stroke symptoms generally occur in the part of the body that is controlled by the area of ​​the brain that is damaged. Symptoms experienced by stroke sufferers can include:

• Weakness on one side of the body (hemiparesis)

• Weakness of the facial muscles that makes one side of the face droop

• Difficulty raising both arms due to weakness or numbness

• Difficulty speaking

• Dysarthria

• Tingling

• Difficulty recognizing faces (prosopagnosia)

The causes of stroke are generally divided into two, namely the presence of a blood clot in a blood vessel in the brain and rupture of a blood vessel in the brain.

Stroke Treatment

Stroke treatment depends on the type of stroke the patient is experiencing. Actions that can be taken can be in the form of administering drugs or surgery. In addition, to support the recovery process, sufferers will be advised to undergo physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and psychological therapy.

To restore body functions, so that the patient can return to normal activities, the doctor will suggest doing physiotherapy treatment accompanied by a professional therapist.

Why Do You Have to Do Physiotherapy?

Stroke is a condition when the brain does not get enough blood supply due to a blockage or rupture of blood vessels. This condition causes the brain to not get enough nutrients and oxygen, so that the cells in the brain area will slowly die.

When brain cells die, the limbs controlled by these brain cells will lose their function. This is the reason why some stroke sufferers sometimes only experience side stiffness (left or right organs), or it only occurs in certain organs of the body. In general, here are some of the benefits that can be obtained from post-stroke physiotherapy treatment.

1. Overcoming Muscle Stiffness

Several studies have shown that spasticity or muscle stiffness can be cured with physiotherapy.

Usually, the therapist will first evaluate the patient's condition, then determine what therapy program is suitable. They will also give instructions regarding the lifestyle that must be followed, including suggesting an effective diet pattern to deal with muscle stiffness.

2. Reducing Pain

Some stroke survivors not only have difficulty carrying out activities, but will also feel pain when trying to move one of the affected organs, such as an arm or leg. With physiotherapy, the pain can be overcome.

Usually, to deal with the pain, the therapist will use therapy using electrical stimulation, ultrasound, heat therapy, and others. Depends on your needs.

3. Improves Movement Ability

The muscle stiffness suffered after a stroke will make it difficult to move, such as not being able to stand, walk, use your hands to eat, and even make it difficult to speak. With physiotherapy, these problems can be overcome.



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