Often shunned and can be dangerous for health, actually sun exposure is not always bad. Ultraviolet (UV) rays are electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun. UV rays can be divided into 3:

- UVA rays: have the longest wavelengths, but the energy and frequency they carry are lower than other UV rays. As much as 95% of UV rays that reach the earth's surface are UVA rays

- UVB rays: have short waves. As much as 5% of UV rays that reach the earth's surface are UVB rays

- UVC rays: have the highest frequency and the shortest waves, so they are dangerous. However, these rays react with ozone in the atmosphere so they do not reach the earth's surface

When thinking about the sun and the UV rays it produces, the first thought that comes to mind is the risks posed by UV rays. But basking in the sun at the right time for enough time can provide benefits for our health.


The functions of sunlight for our health include:

1. The formation of vitamin D

Vitamin D is formed when the skin is exposed to sunlight, then UVB rays will react with cholesterol in skin cells resulting in a reaction for the formation of vitamin D. This vitamin D functions in maintaining the health of our bones

2. Better Sleep Quality

When a person is exposed to sunlight, the hormone melatonin production appears more quickly. Where the hormone melatonin helps regulate circadian rhythms and improves one's sleep quality.

3. More Stable Mood

Sunlight that enters the eyes will stimulate the brain to produce the hormone serotonin. Serotonin hormone functions to regulate emotions so that a person feels calmer, more positive and focused.

4. Children's Eye Health

Exposure to sunlight at a child's age can reduce the risk of children experiencing blurry eyes. Taking the time to do outdoor activities increases exposure to natural light which can stimulate the production of the hormone dopamine. One of these hormones is found in the eye which helps the growth of the eyeball normally


How long is enough time to bask in the sun? The answer is different for everyone. It also depends on age, diet, medical history, skin color, and area of ​​residence.In general, sunbathing before 10.00 or after 16.00 about 30 minutes enough time to get benefits and not cause other health problems, but someone can consult a doctor when is the right time for sunbathing

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