Sinusitis Symptoms and Prevention

Sinusitis Symptoms and Prevention

Sinuses are air cavities found in the dense part of the skull bones around the face that are connected to the nose. The sinuses produce mucus to keep the inside of the nose moist and prevent the entry of dust, allergens and pollutants.


The sinuses consist of 4 pairs, namely:

• Maxillary sinus, located under the eyes in the upper jaw bone or maxillary bone

• Ethmoid sinuses, located above the eyes in the forehead/frontal bone, which causes rough areas on the forehead.

• Frontal sinus, which is formed from several separate air cells in the sieve/ethmoid bone between the nose and eyes

• Sphenoid sinus, located in the wedge/sphenoid bone


Benefits of Sinus

• Warms and keeps the air moist

• Sound resonance

• Protects against trauma

• Lighten the weight of the skull


What is Sinusitis ?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus cavity. Sinusitis can occur if there is a disturbance in the flow of air to and from the sinus cavity as well as a disturbance in the discharge of mucus caused by infection and non-infection (allergies & anatomical abnormalities).


Types of Sinusitis

• Acute sinusitis (<30 days)

Lasts 2 to 4 weeks

• Sub acute sinusitis (1m-3m)

Lasts 4-12 weeks

• Chronic sinusitis (>3 months)

The chronic or prolonged type generally lasts more than 12 weeks. This condition can also continue for months or even years.


Sinusitis Symptoms

• Headache

• Pain in the facial area

• Nasal congestion

• Fever

• Change in color of mucus

• Smelly breath

• Painful swallowing

• Cough


Prevention of Sinusitis 

What you can do to reduce the risk of getting sinusitis is:

• Avoid contact with people who suffer from colds to avoid upper respiratory tract infections.

• Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially before eating.

• Control your allergies. Consult a doctor to keep allergies under control. Avoid exposure that makes your allergies flare up.

• Avoid cigarette smoke and air pollution. Tobacco smoke and air contaminants can irritate your lungs and nasal passages.

• Use a humidifier. If the air in your home is dry, you can use a humidifier to help prevent sinusitis. Make sure to keep the humidifier clean and free of mold by cleaning it regularly and thoroughly.


So Friends of Hermina, don't hesitate to consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of sinus inflammation so that they can be treated quickly and appropriately, because although serious complications rarely occur, if left unchecked they can become dangerous and cause more serious illnesses.













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