gejala stroke, stroke, syaraf, neurologi


Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced due to an event (ischemic stroke) or the rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Without a blood supply, the brain will not get oxygen and nutrients, so the sale of most of the brain regions will die. This condition causes parts of the body controlled by the damaged area of ​​the brain to not work properly.

Stroke is an emergency condition that needs to be treated, because brain cells can die in just minutes. Prompt and appropriate treatment measures can increase the rate of brain damage and prevent possible complications.

Based on, stroke is divided into two types, namely:
Ischemic Stroke
Occurs when the arteries that carry blood and oxygen to the brain experience, causing the blood flow to the brain to be greatly reduced. This condition is also known as ischemia. Ischemic stroke can be further divided into 2 types, thrombotic stroke and embolic stroke.

hemorrhagic stroke
The occurrence of blood vessels in the brain burst, causing bleeding. Bleeding in the brain can be triggered by several conditions that affect the blood vessels. For example, uncontrolled hypertension, weak blood vessel walls, and being treated with blood thinners. Hemorrhagic stroke is further divided into two types, namely intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage.

The main way to prevent stroke is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. In addition, identify and avoid the existing risk factors and follow the doctor's advice. Various stroke prevention measures, including:
Keep the diet
Eating too many salty and fatty foods can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood and the risk of hypertension that triggers a stroke. excessive salt consumption. Furthermore, the recommended foods are foods rich in fat that will not make saturated, protein, vitamins, and fiber. All these nutrients can be obtained from vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and low-fat meats such as skinless chicken breast.

Exercise Routine
Regular exercise can make the heart and circulatory system work more efficiently. Exercise can also lower cholesterol levels and keep weight and blood pressure at healthy levels.

Quit smoking
Smokers are twice as likely to have a stroke. Because smoking can narrow blood vessels and make blood clot easily. Not smoking helps reduce various other health problems, such as lung and heart disease.

Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks
Liquor is high in calories. If consumed in excess, a person is susceptible to various stroke triggers, such as diabetes and hypertension. Excessive consumption can also make the heartbeat become irregular.

drug use
Some Types of Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Substances (Drugs) can cause arteries and reduce blood flow.
