GERD, the disease that comes uninvited

GERD, the disease that comes uninvited

There is an increase in the prevalence of GERD, including in the United States of America by 33%, in Sweden by 12%, in Singapore by 1.6%, in Taiwan by 6%, in China by 1.5%, and in Korea by 2.7%.

GERD is a condition that occurs when the stomach experiences repeated reflux causing painful symptoms and complications. The incidence ratio of GERD in men and women is 2:1 to 3:1.

Risk factors for GERD include:

  1. Irregular diet, irregular or untimely eating, and sleeping less than 1 hour after dinner. Lack of sleep causes the digestive processes inside the body not to operate to the maximum.
  2. Smoking Smoking can cause disorders in the stomach. Under normal conditions, the stomach can withstand the acidity of the gastric fluid due to certain substances. It's the nicotine that prevents the occurrence of hunger. That's why a person becomes starving because of drunkenness, which will increase the acidity of the stomach and can cause gastritis.
  3. Drinking alcohol/coffee/soda
  4. Taking medication without prior consultation with a doctor
  5. Taking trigger food (Makanan berlemak atau gorengan)

    Common symptoms of GERD patients are:
  1. chest pain
  2. Disease
  3. Tooth erosion
  4. Excessive salivation
  5. Asthma, chronic cough and shortness of breath
  6. Acid taste in the mouth
  7. Difficulty swallowing 8. Painful burning sensation in the throat or chest

    The only way to detect GERD is to perform an endoscopy. Endoscopy is a procedure used to detect abnormalities in the digestive system.

    Avoid foods (acid, spicy, fatty foods, caffeinated drinks, or soda drinks) 2. Do not lie down after a meal 3. Eat slowly and swallow enough 4. Increase foods such as grains and fiber


For Friends of Hermina who experience the symptoms mentioned above, or want to know more about GERD Disease can be directly consulted with the Doctor Specialist of Internal Diseases at Hermina Samarinda Hospital.

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