Cavities Can Trigger Heart Valve Infections, How Come?

Cavities Can Trigger Heart Valve Infections, How Come?


Heart valve infection or in medical terms called endocarditis is an infection caused by Streptococcus sp bacteria and occurs in individuals who have congenital heart valve abnormalities or individuals with prosthetic/artificial heart valves.

Streptococcus bacteria of the oral viridans group (eg: Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus mitis., Streptococcus anguinis) are bacteria that are also found in cavities. These bacteria enter the bloodstream through wounds in the gums or blood vessels around cavities. After entering the bloodstream, the bacteria will follow the bloodstream and head to the heart. The condition of bacteria entering the bloodstream is called bacteremia. These bacteria will stick to the abnormal heart valve and cause inflammation of the heart valve which is known as endocarditis.

Patients with congenital heart valve disorders or individuals with prosthetic/artificial heart valves must have good dental and oral hygiene. The goal is to prevent endocarditis.

Some things to consider in dental care for individuals with heart valve disorders, namely:

Inform the dentist about the history of heart valve disorders that are currently being experienced.

Before starting dental treatment, patients with heart valve disorders must inform the heart valve disorders that they are experiencing. The goal is so that the dentist can prepare materials during dental treatment. For example, before starting dental treatment, patients with heart valve disorders rinse with mouthwash containing antiseptic. Invasive actions that can cause bleeding gums such as cleaning tartar or tooth extraction, the dentist provides prophylactic antibiotics 1 hour before the procedure.

Perform dental and oral hygiene practices by brushing your teeth twice a day.

Individuals with heart valve disorders must clean their teeth at home regularly. Cleaning teeth can also use additional tools such as dental floss or dental floss.

Regular check-ups with the dentist so that infections in the oral cavity can be detected early.

Endocarditis Treatment

Endocarditis treatment is carried out by a cardiologist by administering intravenous antibiotics selected based on the type of bacteria involved in the heart valve infection. The treatment given can also be in the form of a surgical procedure to repair the infected heart valve.

A cardiologist will consult a patient with a history of endocarditis to a dentist to remove the source of infection in the oral cavity that is suspected of causing endocarditis in the patient. After therapy is completed, the patient must continue to undergo routine check-ups and maintain good dental and oral hygiene to prevent re-infection. Cooperation from the medical team, namely a cardiologist, dentist, and infection specialist, is essential in treating and preventing endocarditis.

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