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Tips and Tricks for Healthy and Glowing Skin, Let's Check It Out!

Having healthy and bright skin is everyone's dream, but some of us don't know what to do to maintain healthy skin, whether it's from a diet that must be considered, or sleep patterns, even our daily activities
To get healthy and bright skin, there are several stages that need to be done, Hermina Friends can start from:

• Exfoliation stage
This stage functions to remove dead skin cells on the outermost layer of the skin. Accumulated dead skin cells make the skin dull and covered in blackheads. Exfoliation is done once or twice a week. There are two ways to exfoliate, namely mechanical and chemical (chemical peeling).

• use of toner
This stage functions to remove remaining dirt, restore the skin's pH lost when washing the face, and can relieve acne inflammation. After using toner, continue with the use of essence which functions similar to using serum. Use essence first before serum because the texture is lighter. Contains various vitamins, retinol, or certain plant extracts. After using essence, continue with the use of serum. Higher concentration of active ingredients compared to moisturizers are easily absorbed by the skin, clear gel, light texture and oil-free. After that use a sheet mask, but this use does not have to be used every day. Instead, it is adjusted to the purpose of the treatment or skin problems that you want to overcome, moisturize the skin, and reduce blackheads.
• Eye Cream
Serves to reduce hyperpigmentation around the eyes, moisturize the area around the eyes.
• Use of Moisturizer
Serves to moisturize and care for the skin.
• Use of Sleeping Mask,
Because it contains active ingredients with high concentrations, 1-2 times a week, contains more specific active ingredients than regular masks.
• Use of SPF
Which functions to ward off UV rays, prevent hyperpigmentation, skin cancer, and premature aging. The use of this UV is only used during the day.

Pada penggunaan UV atau penggunaan sunscreen pada siang hari, perlu diketahui jenis-jenisnya yaitu, UV-A adalah panjang gelombang paling tinggi, menembus dermis, merusak kolagen, aging (kerutan, keriput, dan flek). Kemudian UV-B ini sampai epidermis, kulit merah dan burning. Terakhir UV-C yaitu panjang gelombang pendek, ketahanan dilapisan ozon, namun jika lapisan ozon bocor, bias kena ke kulit, dan menimbulkan kanker kulit.

            Untuk mendapatkan kulit yang sehat dan glowing, jangan sering gonta ganti skincare, jangan mudah terpengaruh oleh teman dan termakan marketing tentang produk skincare yang tidak sesuai dengan kulit, produk OTC yang dibeli jika tidak membaik langsung dikonsulkan ke dokter spesialis kulit dan kecantikan terdekat, pentingnya skincare dan perawatan.
