Carefully clean your ears using a cotton bud
he ears automatically clean themselves when we talk, chew or move the jaw. Usually, when it is dirty, ear wax comes out by itself along with jaw movements that make the cheek muscles move.
So, do you still need to clean your ears with a cotton bud? In fact, cleaning your ears with a cotton bud is not appropriate. You can use a cotton bud, but only for the earlobe. Avoid using cotton buds to clean the inner ear.
Cleaning your ears using a cotton bud or something similar is not recommended, because the dirt in the ear will be further pushed in towards the eardrum and can cause hearing loss.
Then, if we use a cotton bud in clean ears, it can injure the thin skin of the ear canal, and too deep can tear the eardrum, causing bacteria to grow, causing an infection in the ear.
Symptoms include:
1. Pain in the ear
2. Ringing in the ears
3. Ears feel full
4. Until hearing loss
5. So it is recommended to immediately have your ears checked by an ENT specialist at least once every 6 months.
Not only cotton buds, you should also avoid using ear candles to clean your ears. This method carries the risk of causing someone to injure the ear. There's no harm in trying to use ear drops to clean the inner ear. This medicine is useful for softening hardened wax so that it can easily come out of the ear.