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Careful! Pregnant Women's Moods Can Affect Fetal Development

Friends of Hermina, hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy might have an impact on a woman's mood. Due to increased levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which can lower mood and the brain's capacity to monitor emotional changes during pregnancy, pregnant women will become more sensitive than usual. Several variables, besides hormonal changes, can influence mood fluctuations in pregnant women, including:

  1. There is a sense of unwarranted worry and stress. Pregnant women typically experience excessive anxiety that stems from their own thoughts, including readiness for childbirth, whether their financial situation is secure enough for potential future needs, their own readiness to become parents, the need to prepare for parenting, the impact of having children on their relationship with their husbands, among other things.
  2. Pregnancy causes physical changes. These changes are not just physical; they also include uncomfortable side effects including morning sickness, the onset of pain in certain body areas, breathlessness, and trouble sleeping.
  3. Exhaustion. Pregnant women typically get less sleep during pregnancy because it's hard for them to find a comfortable position, and they frequently wake up.

Friends of Hermina, it's common for pregnant women to have emotional instability. However, did you know that a pregnant woman's mood might impact the development of the fetus? Moms are taught to think and act in ways that make them happy while expecting. A 6-month-old fetus can feel the emotions experienced by its mother, according to study from the Association for Psychological Science. The body will release stress hormones that can pass through the baby's placenta the more anxious and depressed a mother feels. If the issue is not dealt with right away, the baby will eventually endure chronic stress, endangering the fetus's growth and development. The potential dangers are as follows:

  1. Because the placenta produces large amounts of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which regulates the gestation period and puts babies at risk for premature birth, premature birth is a concern for pregnant women.
  2. Low birth weight is a risk for newborns. This is due to the fact that emotional disorders in pregnant women might result in IUGR, or intrauterine growth restriction.
  3. Babies have the chance of having sleep problems, which during pregnancy might result in an overproduction of the stress hormone cortisol. Later on, this hormone will cross the placenta and have an impact on the baby and the area of the brain that controls a child's sleep pattern.
  4. Diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and others are risk factors for developing in babies.

Friends of Hermina, try to be calm during pregnancy and occupy your time with enjoyable activities. Also, don't forget to engage in physical activities like pregnant exercise, walking, and yoga. Consult Dr. Syafali Prima, a SpOG obstetrician at Hermina Galaxy Hospital, as soon as possible regarding the obstetric health of Hermina's friend. Both our contact center at 1500488 and the Halo Hermina app make scheduling appointments with doctors simpler.
