Be careful ! Use of Headsets Can Cause Hearing Loss

Be careful ! Use of Headsets Can Cause Hearing Loss

Listening to music or watching movies using a headset is a habit that many teenagers and adults do. Its small size can make someone who uses it feel comfortable and avoid noise, making many people choose to use this device so that there is no time limit, starting from the morning when they wake up until the evening is used as a lullaby.

But behind the continuous use of the headset, there are several impacts on health, especially the ears. Before you get addicted to using this device, it is very important for you to know the harmful effects that may occur due to continuous use of the headset. Using a headset with a loud volume, too often and for a long time will damage the hearing center in the inner ear.

Here are some bad effects if you use a headset too often:

      1. Tinnitus (Ringing Ears)

          Tinnitus is a sensation of ringing in the ears that can last for a moment or for a long time. This condition occurs only in the left ear, right ear or in both ears simultaneously

      2. Decreased Hearing Function

          This condition usually occurs gradually and is sometimes detected through a hearing test conducted by a doctor. Hearing ability may have decreased or lost when you start to increase

          volume when watching movies, hearing voices unclear or difficulty hearing and understanding other people's speech.

      3. Ear infections

          Ear infections can occur due to long-term use of headsets. This is due to the use of the device can increase the growth of bacteria and also move the bacteria

          to another person if the headset device is shared with another person.

If you must be forced to use a headset, it is best if the headset volume is lowered according to safe standards for hearing, namely below 70 decibels. Use of the headset should also be less than 1 hour. However

if using the headset for more than 1 hour, it is best if the ear is rested for 15 minutes. After knowing the bad effects of using a headset too often, you are expected to be able to take action in the form of prevention and treatment if you start to experience disturbances due to the effects of using a headset. Consult your ear health problems with an ENT specialist at Hermina Makassar Hospital

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