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Congested Nose, What Is Sinusitis? Let's Find Out

When someone consults a doctor with complaints of frequent nasal congestion, and immediately says that he has sinusitis, this can be said to be a misunderstanding about the cause of nasal congestion which is not necessarily caused by sinusitis.

In detecting the cause of nasal congestion, several examinations are needed, including taking a complete medical history, physical examination, and of course supporting examinations.

As with other diseases, the possible causes of nasal congestion can be several things, including congenital abnormalities, infections, disorders related to tumors or allergies.

In the history of the disease you are suffering from, it is necessary to know whether the nasal congestion is accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing, or an itchy nose.

Often we find there is an error in the interpretation between sinusitis and allergies. Because these two things have similar symptoms and are often misunderstood between one another.

Sinusitis is inflammation of the lining of the sinuses, which are small cavities that are connected to each other through the airways within the skull. Sinusitis can be experienced by everyone, both children and adults.

There are several things that can cause sinusitis, including:

viral infection,
bacterial infection,
fungal infection,
nasal polyps,
Air pollution,
Dry air.
Sinusitis is usually accompanied by mandatory symptoms, namely a stuffy or runny nose. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by headaches and impaired smell, or in children accompanied by coughing.

In allergies or in this case allergic rhinitis, the symptoms are rarely accompanied by headaches or impaired smell, but are accompanied by sneezing, itchy nose, or itching in the eyes.

Acute sinusitis usually goes away in one to two weeks with proper care and treatment. While chronic sinusitis with severe symptoms, requires long-term treatment to address the cause of recurrent infections. If not treated immediately, sinusitis can cause complications such as infection and spread to the area around the eyes, bones, blood or brain.

If the sinusitis symptoms that Hermina's friends are experiencing are worrying and interfere with their activities, you should immediately consult an ENT-KL Specialist at Hermina Hospital Bekasi.
