Avoid Pain with Resistance Training!

Avoid Pain with Resistance Training!

Do you often feel pain in your legs from standing for a long time, discomfort due to waist and back pain, and fatigue easily? We can train it so that it doesn't get tired easily or get injured in that area with resistance training.


Resistance training is a form of exercise that uses pulling or weight from other objects to stimulate muscle growth and endurance. This type of exercise can be done with weights, resistance bands, etc.


The resistance carried out during exercise can cause tension in the muscles, which stimulates the body to adapt by increasing the resistance of the muscles being trained. This exercise can also improve overall fitness and muscle tone and help prevent injury.

It is important to maintain form and technique during this exercise to avoid injury. In this exercise, it is recommended to start with a light load and increase gradually as the strength and endurance of the muscles increase.


Resistance training also has many health benefits beyond just physical strength and muscle growth. Research has shown that resistance training can increase bone density, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and even improve cognitive function. Additionally, incorporating resistance training into your exercise routine can help with weight management by increasing metabolism and promoting fat loss. It is important to consult a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any medical conditions or injuries. With the right guidance and consistency, resistance training can be a valuable addition to any fitness program.


Some things you need to pay attention to when doing resistance training include:


  • Vary your routine: To continue seeing progress and avoid plateauing, it's important to change up your resistance training routine every few weeks. This can be done by changing the exercises you do, the number of sets and repetitions, or the amount of weight you use.


  • Allow time for rest and recovery: resistance training creates small tears in the muscles, which then repair and grow stronger during the rest period. It's important to give your muscles time to recover between workouts and prioritize getting enough sleep and proper nutrition.


  • Incorporate functional movements: While exercises that focus on one part of the muscle (such as bicep curls) have a place in resistance training programs, it is also important to incorporate functional movements that mimic everyday activities. This can help improve overall strength and prevent injuries in everyday life.


  • Focus on the mind-muscle connection: proper form is very important with this exercise, but it is also important to focus on the mind-muscle connection, that is, actively involving the muscles being trained rather than just doing the movement. This can help maximize results and prevent injuries.


  • Understand your own body: as with any form of exercise, it is also important to listen to your body and not force yourself. If something in your body feels uncomfortable and causes pain, stop immediately and consult an expert, either an orthopedic doctor or a sports consultant medical rehabilitation doctor.


Therefore, by keeping these points in mind and incorporating resistance training into your fitness routine safely and consistently, you can reap many physical and mental health benefits.

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