hipertensi, penyakitdalam, anakmuda

Hypertension at a Young Age How come? Let's find out more!

Hello, Hermina Friends! Hypertension, or what is commonly called high blood pressure," is a condition where the blood pressure in the body is at 130/80 mmHg or more. In general, hypertension affects people who are elderly; the older they get, the more their risk of getting hypertension will increase, but at this time, in various parts of the world, it turns out that there are quite a lot of cases of hypertension at a young age, including in Indonesia. Based on basic health research data published by the Ministry of Health in 2013, as many as 8.7% had hypertension at the age of 15–24 years, while based on basic health research conducted in 2018, hypertension sufferers at a young age increased to 13.2%, with a narrowing age range at 18–24 years.

Factors Causing Hypertension in Young People

The most common type of high blood pressure is primary hypertension. Primary hypertension is more influenced by unhealthy lifestyles, obesity, or genetic factors; the condition of primary hypertension is not influenced by a particular medical disorder. Secondary hypertension is caused by several diseases, such as problems with the heart, lungs, hormones, and kidney disease. Lifestyle is the most important thing in everyday life. If the lifestyle is not good, it will cause various diseases, including hypertension. Here is a lifestyle that has the potential to cause primary hypertension:

  • Bad Diet

Consuming foods that trigger hypertension, such as fast food or fatty foods, can be a trigger factor for hypertension. Besides that, avoid foods that are fried in oil that has been used many times.

  • Smoking

Faktor penyebab hipertensi yang paling sering terjadi pada remaja adalah merokok, merokok rentan menderita hambatan untuk pasokan darah bersih pada arteri menuju ke otak, hal ini sangan rentan dialami oleh perokok usia muda. Nikotin yang terdapat pada rokok bisa menghambat kinerja jantung serta mengotori darah.

  • Consuming alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can result in damage to blood vessels throughout the body. The blood supply in the body will be hampered if the central nervous system is disturbed, causing pressure on the blood to occur. This is what causes hypertension at a young age.

  • Lack of exercise

Lack of exercise can cause a decrease in the health of blood vessels; the blood supply that should carry oxygen cannot be distributed because the body's nerves are narrowed, causing symptoms of hypertension. In order to stay healthy and avoid hypertension at a young age, avoid all the causes mentioned above. In addition, there are several steps you can take to prevent hypertension:

  • Avoid and stop smoking immediately.
  • Avoid or limit alcohol consumption.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Able to manage stress well.
  • Consume healthy food.

If you have complaints about hypertension or want to consult about symptoms of hypertension at a young age and information about hypertension, you can go to an internal medicine specialist for consultation and further information about hypertension.
