obesitas, berat badan berlebih, lklinik gizi, gizi klinik, giziklinik

Inbody : Sophisticated Tool To Help The Process Of Weight Loss Correctly

Obesity is a high accumulation of fat in the body due to an imbalance of energy intake and energy output in the long term and results in an increased risk of morbidity. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing. The 2018 Riskesdas data shows an increase in the Indonesian population with obesity from 10.5% in 2007 to 21.8% in 2018. Meanwhile, the population with overweight increased from 8.6% in 2007 to 13.6% in 2018.

The calculation of obesity is simply done by measuring the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI = body weight (kg) : T (m2). WHO classifies obesity when BMI > 30 and overweight when BMI is 25-30 BMI calculation has several advantages, namely it is simple, fast and can be used for screening. However, BMI has several weaknesses, namely it cannot accurately determine total muscle mass, total fat mass and the amount of fat in the visceral organs. Body composition cannot be assessed accurately.

Obesity can be prevented, steps we can take to prevent weight gain with a healthy diet, adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly every day or doing quite intense physical activity, and making a long-term commitment to keeping what you eat and drink. However, if obesity has occurred, one solution that can be taken is to measure the body using a tool called Inbody, so that the most appropriate follow-up can be determined to reduce obesity.

Accurate measurement of obesity can be done with the Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA) tool. Inbody is a BIA with a high accuracy of 98% when compared to the standard BIA tool, DEXA. Inbody can accurately determine total muscle mass and body fat mass, segmental muscle mass and body fat mass, body fat percentage, BMI, body visceral fat, BMR requirement and body composition score. Inbody will help the process of losing weight properly, namely by removing excess body fat and not muscle mass.

If Hermina's friends have complaints of being overweight and have difficulty moving in carrying out their daily activities, Hermina's friends can consult our Nutrition Specialist Doctor Hermina Solo General Hospital and use the Inbody tool to find out the most appropriate steps to overcome them. For further information, please call 0821-3552-2454.

