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Remember, Mothers, Don't Miss Complete Vaccinations for Your Beloved Babies

Newborn babies are very susceptible to infection with various diseases because the baby's immune system is not yet fully formed, so fulfilling basic vaccinations for babies is a priority that we should not miss. The Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Indonesian Pediatrician Association have issued several complete lists of vaccinations that are recommended to be given to babies during their growth period.


Vaccination itself is the process of giving vaccines to babies by injection or diabetes into the mouth which aims to stimulate the formation of antibodies in children which can be a barrier to children being infected from certain diseases. However, it is not only beneficial for our babies, by providing complete vaccines it will protect the entire community because vaccination can help minimize the spread of disease.


Benefits of Vaccination:

  • Vaccination in babies can save lives in the future
  • Prevent babies and children from infectious diseases that can be life threatening
  • Protecting people from the spread of disease
  • Helps children's growth become more optimal
  • Makes the child's immune system well formed
  • Protecting health and providing a sense of security to the community


In mid-2023, the Indonesian Pediatrician Association issued a recommendation for the 2023 IDAI Immunization Schedule which can be a reference for parents to provide complete vaccinations. By creating the IDAI immunization schedule for 2023, the aim is to make it easier for health workers to carry out vaccinations and especially for parents so that they don't miss the immunization schedule for their beloved babies.


Usually babies who have just been given the vaccine will show several reactions in the body, such as fever or other symptoms that can occur after vaccination. Parents need to know that this condition is normal because the body will continue to work to produce antibodies for the child's body. Vaccination itself can be done at the nearest health facility and can also be done at the children's polyclinic at Hermina Hospital Manado.


The following are the causes of fever that occurs after vaccination:

  • Immune reaction, because the vaccine given will stimulate the body's immunity in the baby or child so that immunity is formed which can provide immunity to several diseases
  • The body's response, because when a vaccine is given, the child's body will respond, especially to some of the ingredients in it, such as proteins or adjuvants which can trigger a response that results in an increase in body temperature.

Reference to IDAI recommended child immunization schedule for 2023

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