Want Always Healthy Eyes? Here are the tips!

Want Always Healthy Eyes? Here are the tips!

Sahabat Hermina, the eyes are a very important organ for humans. Maintaining eye health can prevent you from various risks of eye disease and even loss of vision.

Tired eyes are usually characterized by soreness around the eyes and a dry feeling that makes vision blurry in some people. Apart from tired eyes, there are many other eye problems that can arise if you don't pay attention or maintain good eye health.

To maintain good eye sight, Hermina's Friends can do the following tips:

  • Maintain Your Diet

Daily food intake can actually affect eye health. So that your sense of sight is always healthy, try to regularly consume lots of foods that contain vitamins C and E, omega-3 fatty acids, iron and lutein. These various nutrients can be obtained by consuming lots of green leafy vegetables, salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts and oranges.

  • Give Your Eyes Time to Rest

Staring at a computer or laptop screen for too long can also increase the risk of eye damage. This can cause dry and tense eyes, blurred vision, neck pain, headaches, shoulder and back pain, and difficulty focusing when looking at a distance. To prevent this, apply the 20-20-20 rule, namely every 20 minutes, look away 20 feet (about 6 meters) for at least 20 seconds.

  • Diligent in Sports

Exercise can reduce the risk of vision loss due to high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

  • Get your health checked Points Periodically

Routine eye examinations can be the best way to prevent damage. This is because an eye examination can monitor the condition of this area and any disorders or health problems that arise can be immediately detected. It is recommended that people, both elderly and young, both men and women, should have their eyes checked regularly by an ophthalmologist at least once every 2 years. Adults over 40 years of age are advised to have their eyes checked once a year. This can be useful for preventing eye diseases associated with increasing age, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts.

Meanwhile, children's eye health should be checked at least once every two years to detect vision problems that might affect their learning abilities. Children do not need to be able to read to have an eye examination.

  • Wear sunglasses when doing outdoor activities

UV rays from the sun can also cause eye damage. One way to maintain eye health is to use sunglasses when doing outdoor activities that are exposed to a lot of sunlight. Using sunglasses can protect the eyes from direct exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. Using sunglasses can block UVA and UVB rays. The same thing also applies to the contact lenses you use. To protect your eyes better, choose contact lenses that can provide protection from UV rays.

So, let's start diligently getting your eyes checked to avoid eye diseases that can eliminate your ability to see. Stay healthy.

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